Creating Streaming Video Clips for Web-based Instruction Jay Cofield, Ph.D. The university of Montevallo July 9, 2002
Streaming Video Definition Video transmitted in a continuous data stream over the Internet to an appropriate Web browser playback program for immediate display.
Four Steps Before You Stream Camera Capture Computer Editing system Encoder –Encoding means putting your video or audio file into a specific format for streaming over the Web.
Streaming Options Real (aka RealOne, RealPlayer) –Charged per stream for server software –Basic player is free Windows Media –Free server software, no charge per stream –Player is free QuickTime –Free server software, no charge per stream –Player is free
Some Example Clips Windows Media Clips RealPlayer Clips using default settings RealPlayer Clips using custom settings QuickTime Progressive Download Clips
Reasons to Stream Video Streaming video can: –act as a learning reinforcement. –generate a feeling of the instructor’s presence. The small screen size of the clips used in the 2001 study did not seem to negatively impact perceptions of the streaming video clips.
When to Stream Video Good: –Augmentation to Web pages –Illustrate points that have some motion in them or that motion would help Bad: –Long form videos –Too much detail in the clips –Gratuitous video clips
Tips for Good Streaming Video Two important tradeoffs : –bandwidth and detail/motion –audio and video Audio is very important! –With limited bandwidth, to have good sounding audio at the end computer audio typically takes up more of the bandwidth than video- ex: 56K modem, 15 K goes to audio, and 30K goes to video (last 5 goes to control)
Tips for Good Streaming Video Remember: –What is your target computer? –Size of streamed video window –Test your clips on different computers –Be aware of motion vs. detail choice for every clip
Tips for Good Streaming Video Use short clips vs. long ones Test the settings in the encoder software –CODEC choices, encoder settings –rationing bandwidth for audio/video
Tips for Good Streaming Video Use good TV production techniques –Good lighting on faces using at least one light on the subject’s face helps to separate them from the background –Good microphones place a microphone close to the subject’s mouth for best audio –If you have text, use large, simple fonts –USE A TRIPOD!
Tips for Good Streaming Video Use good TV production techniques –Closeup shots to see faces the rule of thirds is a great way to frame shots clear faces help keep interest in the clip –Slow camera motion fast motion detracts from the clarity of faces, and may cause the video to skip or freeze –Simple backgrounds simple backgrounds lets the encoder concentrate on the subject.
Rule of Thirds, Lighting
Close up and subtitle example
Example of usable image
Final Reminders Remember the tradeoff between audio quality, motion, and detail due to limited bandwidth Keep in mind your target audience’s computer and Internet connection Use good TV production techniques Test different settings to learn the best for your situation