BA Political Science/Sociology :CWSC BA Early Childhood/Elementary Ed.: CWU Certification Gifted Education: Ashland Univ., Ohio Taught Kindergarten and 2 nd grade in St. Augustine Florida and Neptune Beach Fla. Taught Gifted Students 4 th -8 th in various rural Ohio Schools including Amish population. 14th year teaching 2 nd grade at NBE
Second Grade is a year of growth and new skills. Learning is a continuous and developmental process. Hands-on activities and interactions are critical to young learners. Understanding takes time and practice.
Our Daily Schedule 9:05 – 9:25 – Morning Work 9:25 – 10:15 – Reading 10:15-1:45 Spelling/Lang Review 10:45-11:00 Recess 11:00 – 11:45 Math 11:45-12:30 Lunch and Recess 12:30-1:15 Writing 1:15-1:45 Social Studies, Science, Art 1:45-2:15 Specials 2:20-2:45 Social Studies, Science, Art 2:55 – 3:20 – Silent Reading 3:20 – Dismissal
Balanced Literacy District reading and writing expectations Shared/Guided Reading Self-Selected Reading Working With Words Writers Workshop
Expose children to a wide range of literature Teach comprehension strategies Teach strategies for reading increasingly more difficult material Teacher directed Guided Reading
Increase fluency in reading Build confidence in students as readers Share their reading with others Student directed Self-Selected Reading
Teach children to read, spell and use high- frequency words Teach patterns which allow children to read and spell many other words Teach phonics, parts of speech, and grammar Working with Words
Build fluency in writing Give children an opportunity to apply their knowledge of phonics Encourage children to use the writing process Encourage children to increase the quality of their writing Encourage children to use a variety of forms Build confidence in students as writers Writing
Homework Reading: Encourage 20 minutes daily Spelling: Monday – Wednesday nightly work, Test on Friday Math: Practice Math Facts to gain speed and accuracy Watch for daily pages coming home with ideas for practicing skills currently being taught.
Math Basic Math Facts Computation Time Money Geometry Measurement Regrouping Introduction to multiplication and division concepts
Thematic Units Life Cycles (Year-long) Science Butterflies Solids, Liquids, and Gasses Mr. Rick Hartman “The Toy Man” Builds paddle boats with students and then conduct float test Fossils – NatureVisions Social Studies The Community – Snoqualmie Valley Africa Maps and Globes
Specialist Schedule Monday: PE ** Remember proper shoes and pants for girls! Monday: Library Tuesday: Music Tuesday: Technology Wednesday: PE **shoes!! Thursday: Music
Second Grade Field Trips Community Walk: September 27th The Nutcracker: December 6th Pioneer Craft Day: December 16 th Woodland Park Zoo: June 2 nd EJ Roberts Park: June 9 th If interested to help -sign up on on the back table or on our Weebly Website!!
Building Success It Takes All of Us to Build Success Child Teacher Parent Communication is the Key Questions Concerns Celebrations