NRLM (Rolled Out in 2011)– CONTEXT NRLM works towards improving Livelihoods of about 50% of the rural Households who are poor and deprived through Organizing one woman member from each of the households into Self Help Groups & Federations VOs, CLF Capital support through revolving fund (RF) and Community Investment Fund (CIF) –makes the institutions credit worthy as well Making institutional credit available to them at low cost through bank linkages- Interest Subvention Enabling them to take up multiple livelihoods activities- Skills (RSETI, DDU-GKY), Enterprise (SVEP), Farm Livelihoods (MKSP) Providing technical support to them so that they get more income from those livelihoods activities- formation of producers’ groups, training, convergence with other govt. programs, marketing support Creating a cadre of community extension workers to provide the last mile delivery of services - CRPs SECC data Total Rural HH crore Households with at least one Deprivation Criteria – 8.69 Crores ( 48.52%) -- NRLM client HHs Manual casual labour as key source of HH income crore (50.14%) – large percentage of them would be marginal farmers and also into animal husbandry and NTFP collection
Important features Mission Mode implementation with dedicated professionals from multiple fields at State, Dist. and sub-dist. levels Capital support provided through revolving fund 10,000 to 15,000) to all eligible SHGs, Community Investment Fund to SHGs and their federations up to Rs lakhs per SHGs Interest subvention to women SHGs for loans up to Rs. 3 lakhs to maintain effective interest rate at 7%. In 150 selected districts, further subvention of 3% to women SHGs on timely repayment of loans Large components of building the capacity of the poor in taking up multiple livelihoods with focus on convergent planning Phased Implementation Annual Action Plans
Check List for Area Officers Sate Rural Livelihoods Mission (SRLM) 1.Asses the preparedness and adequacy of the arrangements made to implement NRLM by the state. All the systems(HR, Procurement, MIS, FMS etc) are in place Size & Composition of SMMU team (approved and in position) Status of training and induction of state team Training modules available Annual Action Plan prepared Non Intensive Strategy in Place 2. Physical performance Targets achieved as per approved AAP. Key constraints and problems faced. 3. Financial Performance Actual Expenditure vis a vis amount sanctioned in the last 2 years Reasons of shortfall in expenditure
District Mission Management Unit (DMMU) District details ( sampled district to be visited) – details about no. of blocks and out of which no of resource/intensive/partnership blocks/ Adequacy of arrangements made at DMMU - o office & other systems established o size and composition of district team approved and in position o induction and training/systems instituted Progress of implementation - o key achievements vis a vis targets o constraints and problems faced o lessons learnt Performance review and monitoring arrangements in the district- o frequency of and mechanisms for review of district and block level staff o MIS, collection and reporting
Block Mission Management Unit (BMMU)/PFT Adequacy of arrangements made at BMMU- o office & other systems established o size and composition of block team approved and in position o induction and training o system instituted o implementation of intensive block strategy o targets & achievements Broad areas of implementation in intensive blocks for last 2 years - Key achievements, constraints and problems faced and resolved. Adequacy of performance review and monitoring systems Other issues
Sample Villages- based on interaction with sample SHGs, VO(if formed) CRPs, Bookkeepers and other activists Extent, quality and inclusiveness of social mobilization under taken in village – strategy adopted Functioning of Community Resource Persons(CRPs) SHGs promoted/revived and strengthen and their functioning – panchasutras, democratic functioning Capacity building of SHGs Social Capital ( Internal CRPs, bookkeepers, activists etc.) promoted Micro Finance practices of SHGs - internal credit and thrift, idle funds Funding support to SHGs – triggers, amount, timeliness of release Status of SHG federations Role of PRIs Livelihoods Service and entitlements Convergence efforts
Non- Intensive Sample Districts/Blocks/Villages Review of existing arrangements and their adequacy for implementing non-intensive strategy in district/blocks In sample villages Staff positioned Social Mobilization SHG status Adherence to Panch sutras SHG Book keeping Training of SHG Micro Finance SHG Bank Linkage Funds to SHGs Interest Subsidy Role of PRIs Other issues, in any
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