Biological Terms Used to Describe Plants Horticulture I
What is Horticulture?
Horticulture Comes from the Latin hortus cultorum Hortus = garden Cultorum= cultivation
Horticulture The science and practice of growing, processing and marketing fruits, vegetables, and ornamental plants Comes from the Latin word meaning “garden cultivation”
Biological Divisions of Plants
Life Cycles of Plants Annual-a plant that completes its life cycle in one year Biennial-a plant that completes its life cycle in two years –Usually grows the first year and flowers the second year Perennial-a plant that lives more than two years –Some grow and bloom the first year
Leaf Retention of a Plant Leaf Retention-How a plant holds its leaves. Evergreen- Retains leaves all year-round and is always green. Deciduous- Loses its leaves during the dormant season. Herbaceous- Dies down to the ground in the dormant season and returns in the spring.
Moisture in Plants Turgid-plant is swollen or filled with moisture Wilted-plant is limp because it does not have enough moisture
Plant Growth Vegetative phase – begins when a plant seed germinates and grows producing leaves, stems and roots Reproductive phase – when a plant flowers and produces fruit. Dormant phase – when plant rests or grows very little –Plants go dormant in response to adverse conditions, such as extreme heat or cold
Season Crop Type Cool season plants- Like cool temperatures, growing best in spring or fall –Example: Pansy Warm season plants- Grow best in warm temperatures, grow best in summer and early fall –Example: Zinnia, Marigold, and Vinca
Activity Set up Interactive Notebook 3.01 Notes 3.01 Vocabulary
Activity Create a crossword puzzle using 10 facts on biological terms to describe plants Solve someone’s crossword!