ISE6 Demo Scenario From 8/30/2007 Telecon
8/30/2007 ISE6 Demo Scenario 2 Demonstration Core idea: –Use of PLCS enables: Maintaining the right configuration of appropriate logistics data and documents with links back to the underlying engineering data Ability to update that configuration, say for a Ship Alt Data Set –Use TWR data Approved for public release Existing engineering data –May need to extend to match specific demo use case Core SCLSIS data –Will need to add more attributes and records Tech Publication –Boat Information Handbook
8/30/2007 ISE6 Demo Scenario 3 Proposed Demo Scenarios 1.Development of logistics data –Automating transfer of engineering data into logistics systems –Assessment Many different sub processes to transfer data Parallel development once transferred No single solution 2.Data exchange between IPDEs - reuse of logistics data –Assessment NPDI use case Potential cost savings to ship programs 3.Delivery of configuration baseline at ship delivery –Assessment Configuration Baseline Data actually delivered via CDMD OA 4.Changes to configuration baseline for a Ship alt –Assessment Both Engineering and ILS need current configuration via ship check ILS must react to engineering changes – need linkage back to engineering data
8/30/2007 ISE6 Demo Scenario 4 Environments / Tools NGIT / NGSS (DDG 1000 IPDE) –Use Teamcenter Enterprise / Logistics Configuration Baseline Core DDG 1000 IPDE data –SCLSIS Configuration Baseline –Documents Can modify or enhance to add attributes or entities if necessary Intergraph / NGSS (LPD 17 IPDE) –Use eINTEROP graphical walkthrough tool LPD 17 IPDE data + SCLSIS data –SCLSIS Configuration Baseline –Documents
8/30/2007 ISE6 Demo Scenario 5 Environments / Tools NSWC CD (Navy Analysis) –Use LEAPS Repository of engineering and analysis data only Can add link to SCLSIS data (RIN) Knowledge Systems Solutions –Use Epistree Organize data, can show integration of engineering and logistics data Industrial Planning Technology Inc –Use ShipConstructor AP 227 ed 2 translator –Exchange TWR Fuel Oil System LSC –Will participate if related projects are funded. Probably not known until Oct. –Use LSC logistics environment tool
8/30/2007 ISE6 Demo Scenario 6 Rough Demo Storyboard Exchange logistics data for reuse between IPDEs –Intergraph (eINTEROP) to NGIT (Teamcenter Enterprise) Exchange detailed piping design data –Industrial Planning Technology (ShipConstructor translator) –Could also be incorporated as part of Ship Alt scenario Exchange of logistics data with link to engineering data for Ship Alt –NSWC CD (LEAPS) –KSS (Epistree) –Others? –Scenario to be defined
8/30/2007 ISE6 Demo Scenario 7 Exchange logistics data for reuse between IPDEs Scenario – –Show TWR –Show data for selected equipment in a system –Pick elements of a system for exchange, generate PLCS file –Import PLCS file –Show same data in new system For simplicity assume elements will be used in the same system by receiving SW –Teamcenter – may be able to view AP 214 graphics Data: –Core SCLSIS data System and part-related attributes, Type 3 records Need to send instance data, but most attributes will be changed to fit the new intended usage. CFF attributes: HSC, EFD, SAC, ESD, MEC, Type 2 attributes: RIN, PRID, EIN, WCR, RIC, NSN Type 3 attributes – probably all –Technical Manual, Drawings –VFI, GFI –Provisioning Package –Logistics analysis reports Examples: R&M, environmental hazard, TOC, safety –STEP AP 214 file To allow visualization, emphasize tie to engineering
8/30/2007 ISE6 Demo Scenario 8 Exchange detailed piping design data Scenario –Show Fuel Oil Transfer System in ShipConstructor –Generate AP 227 ed 2 file –Import –Show Fuel Oil Transfer System Data –Detailed piping design data from ShipConstructor
8/30/2007 ISE6 Demo Scenario 9 Exchange Ship Alt Data Scenario not yet defined –Need to define business case –Complicated by use of different Navy systems for engineering and logistics –Most of ISE members tools show an integrated environment Potential Scenarios –Engineering changes to ILS Emphasize importance to linking logistics data back to engineering data –Ship Alt Capture engineering and logiustics changes for a Ship Alt –Planning Yard to AIT Currently a package of paper Has not been discussed in detail – not clear if feasible or if it offers any advantage –Others? Issues –LEAPS Is repository of engineering and logistics data However cannot be searched by GUID or RIN –Epistree Could show linkage between engineering and logistics –CDMD OA Might be able to arrange access to test environment
8/30/2007 ISE6 Demo Scenario 10 TWR SCLSIS Data 347 Type 2 records –61 systems (based on ESD) – see Excel spreadsheet –95 systems (based on SAC) – see Excel spreadsheet –Eliminated 14 duplicate records 1928 CFF records (HSC structure) –107 unique ESD –200 unique SAC