Unit3 The land down under Integrating skills Australia.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit3 The land down under Integrating skills Australia

Main idea for each paragraph. Para1 Para2 Para3 Para4 Para5 Animals Geography and population Resources Fence Climate and sports

Information about Australia Animals: Geography: Population: Resources: Climate: Sports: platypus, kangaroo, koala, platypus, kangaroo, koala, birds, snakes Distance: 3,220km from north and south 3,860km from east and west Size:The same size as USA (without Alaska) 20 million Agricultural: Natural: fruit, vegetables, wheat, grain, meat, wines metals, precious stones, coal, iron mines South: North: cool, wet winters/ warm,dry summers warm,dry winters/ hot, wet summers Tennis, sailing, swimming, walking and campingsailing

The main idea of the text: The text gives us a general idea about Australia’s___________________________ _________________ animals, population, area, resources and different climates.

What’s the top sentence of each paragraph? Para.1: Australia is as old as time. What does it lead to? Australia has so many plants and animals that cannot be found anywhere else in the world. 1. 像时间一样古老 2. 跟 --- 连 / 联系在一起 3. 与 --- 分离开来 4. 生下;生出 ; 导致 5. 拿 --- 喂养 --- 给 --- 喂 / 吃 以 --- 为食 7. 产卵,下蛋 1. as old as time 2. be connected to/with 3. be separated from 4. give birth to 5. feed… on/with feed… to 6. feed on/ live on 7 lay eggs

1.I forgot where I ___ your pen. 2. Tell me the reason why you __ to the teacher. 3. The patient __ in bed, crying. A. lied B. lain C. laid D. lay lie 说谎 (vi.) lie 躺;位于 (vi.) lay 下蛋, 放置 (vt.) lied lying lay lain lying laid laid laying C A D

feed…on 用 … 喂养 feed 后跟表人或动物的名词 on 后跟表食物的名词 They feed the babies on milk.

feed…on 也可说 feed…with 不同的是 on 后只能接食物的 词,而 with 后除可接表食物 的词,也可能跟表工具的词。 She was feeding the baby with porridge. 她在给孩子为稀饭。 She was feeding her baby with spoon. 她在用勺喂孩子。

A B 1.Sheep ____ grass. A. feed on B. feed to 2. He fed the baby ___ milk. A. to B. with 3. Don’t feed bananas ___ the monkey. A. to B.with A

Para.2: Australia is the only country that covers an entire continent. Para.3: Australia is a wealthy country. Para.4: A long fence runs for hundreds of kilometers across Australia. Para. 5: The climate is different depending on the area.

1. 由北到南 2. 十四倍多的人口 3. 蔓延几百公里 4. 阻拦, 5. 使 … 集合在一起, 驱赶, 6. 依地区不同而各异 7. 一年四季 1. from north to south 2. more than 14 times as many people 3. run for hundreds of kilometres 4. keep out 5. round up 8. 喜欢做某事 9. 与 --- 分享 10. 吃烧烤 11. 在户外火上 6. be different depending on the area 7. all the year round 8. be delighted to do 9. share ---with 10. have a barbecue 11.on an open fire

2.In area it is approximately the same size as the USA (without Alaska), which, however, has more than fourteen times as many people 澳大利亚的面积约相当于美国 ( 不包括阿拉斯加 ), 而美国的人口确是澳大利亚的 14 倍多. (as Australia ) ____________ the USA (1) 倍数 +as +adj./adv.( 原级 ) +as (3) 倍数 +n.( 比较的尺度大小等名词, 如 :age, length, size, height) +of (2) 倍数 +adj.( 比较级 ) +than (4) 倍数 +that/those of Tom is twice as old as Jerry. Tom is twice older than Jerry. Tom is twice the age of Jerry. Tom’s age is twice that of Jerry’s. This room is three times as large (as that one).

round up ②逮捕,完成 Tom likes to round up a speech with a joke. ①赶拢,使集拢 The cowboy rounded up the cattle. 牧童把牛群赶在一起。

In what way is Australia different from all the other countries in the world? In what way is Australia different from all the other countries in the world? ① It has so many plants and animals that cannot be found anywhere else in the world. ② Australia is the only country in the world that covers an entire continent. ③ It has the biggest iron mines in the world. ④ It has about one-sixth of the world’s sheep and produces almost one-third of its wool. ⑤ It has the longest fence.

主系表结构 本结构是由主语 + 系动词 + 表语组成,主要用以说明主 语的特征,类属,状态,身份等。系动词有 : 1. 表示特征和存在状态的 be, seem, feel, appear, look, smell, taste, sound; 2. 表示状态延续的 remain, stay, keep, stand; 3. 表示状态变化的 become, get, turn, go, run, fall, come, grow; 表语可以由 n./adj./pron./num./adv./prep.ph/to do /doing/done/clause 等充当.

Where do the majority of the people live in Australia? Why? They live in the six major cities around the coast. Two-thirds of the country is dry and desert.

Beautiful scenery in Australia

Why does much of daily life happen outdoors? Because of the climate.

How does it get and raise its young? Lays eggs and feeds its young on its milk.

Kangaroos ---large animals jump about on two legs carrying their young in a stomach pocket. Koala-bears