LET`S PLAY TOGETHER We love sport games
We use the school yard for our sport activities.
Every day, after the lessons we play our favorite sports and do sports tournaments
Some of the sports lessons are held in the open.
During the project meeting in our school, in April we play together with our friends from Romania and Turkey.
Our Turkish friends taught us to play their traditional game – `Seven stones`.
MY FAVOURITE SPORT We are creating here the ranking of the most popular sport.
The students who are interested in sports are writing their preferences.
SWIMMING and FOOTBALL are on the top of the list in our school.
OUR SCHOOL OLYMPICS The teams from the 6th grade are ready to start the relay races
Each participant of the race has to lift weights,
to carry on balls walking on a beam,
and to pass the batom to the next participant. and to pass the batom to the next participant.
The next task is much more difficult – to transmit simultaneously three balls is not too easy
and then to rotate a hoop
and to pass the baton and the balls to the next participant…
The last task is more different – each team has to choose the corect letter
and to write:
That is setting the winners.
Now it is time to award the teams.
At the end – all are winners and friends.
The presentation is created by `Panayot Volov’ Primary School,Varna, Bulgaria