Elementary Education Melaina Hutcherson 2011
Champlain College Elementary Education (major) Courses that may be taken: Child Psychology Elementary Language Arts Methods Elementary Mathematics Methods Elementary Social Studies Methods Elementary Science Methods Math and Science American History Student Teaching
Shadowing Responses I shadowed Lisa Earley, a second grade teacher, at Manteo Elementary School. Important things she said: – must love teaching – teachers must be patient, kind, and flexible – have to take work home almost every night and do a lot of planning
PrivatePublic Specialized programs General program designed for all Generally smaller size Generally larger size Pick who attendsResponsibility to teach all Charge tuitionFree of charge
Topics Discussed
Project Design On my display board, I have highlighted and discussed important topics that I have included in my paper and my speech. My brochure is an example of what a teacher would create for the students’ parents. The theme of my brochure is “Welcome Back to School”. The brochure shows key information that parents need to know such as: classroom rules, homework, upcoming events, contact information, and the class schedule.