Exercise Instructions
Norovirus Outbreak Associated with Wedding ๏ […Organization name…] is investigating an outbreak linked to a wedding, which was held at a restaurant in Pueblo on April 20. Five people from the wedding are ill with diarrhea including the bride, the bride’s father, and one of the bridesmaids. Three of the five have a laboratory confirmed Norovirus infection. ๏ To determine the cause of the outbreak, […Organization name…] has decided to conduct a cohort study among wedding guests. The bride and groom, John and Sally Brown, have supplied […Organization Name…] with their guest list.
Rapid Responders ๏ You have responded to a request from […Organization Name…] to help with this cohort study ๏ Your job is to call people who attended the wedding on April 20 th and interview them about the foods they ate during the wedding and whether or not they subsequently had a gastrointestinal illness
Questionnaire instructions ๏ Administer this questionnaire to people who attended the John and Sally Brown Wedding on April 20 th ๏ Script—A number of persons who attended the John and Sally Brown Wedding on April 20 th developed gastrointestinal illness after the event. In order to determine the cause of illness, we are asking everyone who attended the wedding to complete a brief questionnaire. YOUR HELP in completing this questionnaire (whether or not you or your child were ill) IS IMPORTANT to identify the cause of the illness, and prevent future illness in others.
Exercise Instructions ๏ Break into pairs Find person with matching “Pathogen” ๏ Decide who will be the interviewer and who will be the interviewee ๏ Interviewers: Review the questionnaire again ๏ Interviewees: Carefully read scenario cards Play your ‘part’ convincingly. These real-life scenarios are good practice for the interviewer! ๏ Switch roles when instructed and repeat
E. coli O157:H7 Outbreak a Stock Show ๏ […Organization Name…] is investigating an outbreak linked to the National Western Stock show. 20 people, including 17 children, became ill with E. coli O157. The stock show was from Jan. 10 to Jan. 25. There were 643,100 visitors over 16 days. ๏ To determine the cause of the outbreak, […Organization Name…] is conducting a case- control study among persons <18 years of age who attended the stock show. The stock show has provided […Organization Name…] with the names, addresses, and phone numbers for a random sample of people who purchased tickets for the stock show in advance.
Rapid Responders ๏ You have responded to a request from […Organization Name…] to help with this case- control study ๏ Your job is to call people who attended the stock show, identify a suitable control, and interview that control (or their parent) about the events and exhibits that they visited while at the stock show ๏ FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS EXERCISE THE DATE OF THIS INTERVEIW IS JANUARY 26 th
Questionnaire instructions ๏ We are attempting to enroll two controls for each case. Controls are needed for the following age groups: 15 months – 4 years, 5 – 11 years, and 12 – 17 years ๏ Please use the following script as a guide to enrolling controls ๏ If you reach a stock show attendee who falls within an age group we are looking for, please administer the questionnaire to that person/parent. ๏ If there are multiple persons in the household who attended the stock show, please ask about the youngest person who attended. Our priority is to enroll controls in the younger age groups. When enrolling a control less than 18 years of age, please ensure you are speaking with a parent/guardian of the child
Exercise Instructions ๏ Break into pairs Find person with matching “Outbreak” ๏ Decide who will be the interviewer and who will be the interviewee ๏ Interviewers: Review the questionnaire again ๏ Interviewees: Carefully read scenario cards Play your ‘part’ convincingly. These real-life scenarios are good practice for the interviewer! ๏ Switch roles when instructed and repeat
Multi-state outbreak of E. coli O157 linked to raw cookie dough ๏ […Organization Name…] is investigating a multi- state outbreak of E. coli O157 believed to be linked to the consumption of raw cookie dough. There are 20 cases in the state with a matching Pulsed-field Gel Electrophoresis (PFGE) pattern. ๏ To determine the cause of the outbreak, […Organization Name…] is conducting a case- control study. Neighborhood controls will be contacted by phone using reverse-look-up based off of the case’s address.
Rapid Responders ๏ You have responded to a request from […Organization Name…] to help with this case- control study. ๏ Your job is to randomly call people using sequential digit dialing (anchored on the case’s telephone number) to recruit and interview controls. ๏ The questionnaire asks about foods and other exposures in the 7 days before the case became ill. ๏ FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS EXERCISE THE DATE OF ILLNESS ONSET WAS MARCH 15 th
Questionnaire instructions ๏ Please attempt to contact each potential control phone number until you successfully complete two control interviews. Please record your attempts on the control log. ๏ It is fine to leave a message for someone to call you back, or if you are more comfortable, you can leave Nicole’s name and phone number. ๏ The questionnaire contains a script that guides you through the enrollment process. You do not need to follow the script verbatim–it is simply a guide. There are eligibility criteria that a control must meet. ๏ If you find an eligible age-matched control who agrees participate, administer the questionnaire to the control (or parent/guardian for controls under the age of 18 years). ๏ If the household has more than one child in the age-group you are matching to, please ask the questions about the child whose birthday was the most recent. ๏ Write the corresponding case ID number of the top of each page of the questionnaire. ๏ Please answer EVERY question on this questionnaire – if the answer is “unknown”, please check the unknown box.
Exercise Instructions ๏ Break into pairs Find person with matching “Pathogen” ๏ Decide who will be the interviewer and who will be the interviewee ๏ Interviewers: Review the questionnaire again ๏ Interviewees: Carefully read scenario cards Play your ‘part’ convincingly. These real-life scenarios are good practice for the interviewer! ๏ Switch roles when instructed and repeat