2005 Federal Laboratory Consortium Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting September 14, 2005 Terry Lynch Office of Technology Partnerships.


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Presentation transcript:

2005 Federal Laboratory Consortium Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting September 14, 2005 Terry Lynch Office of Technology Partnerships

NIST MISSION Is to develop and promote measurement, standards, and technology to enhance productivity, facilitate trade, and improve the quality of life

In carrying out its mission NIST works directly with  industry partners (and consortia)  universities  associations  other government agencies

Strategic planning for technology transfer is not a stand alone activity to be rationalized with other strategic planning activities, but is rather an automatic, integral component of all Laboratory, Divisions, Groups and individual strategic and performance plans. “Technology Transfer” at NIST is a broadly defined function that includes many mission-specific activities. “Technology Transfer” at NIST is a broadly defined function that includes many mission-specific activities.

Strategic “Competence” Programs funded by the NIST Director The NIST Director’s competence program funds high priority, fundamental research within NIST that will expand or develop new technical competencies required to support emerging national metrology needs.  Funding for five years  Strategic criteria include level of potential impact on U.S. industry, and technology delivery plan

Five Year Programs funded in FY 2005  Metrology for Gene Expression  Metrology of Semiconductor Quantum Nanowires Enabling Improved Sensor, Security, and Biomedical Systems  Phase-sensitive Scatterfield Optical Imaging for Sub-10 nm Dimensional Metrology  Metrology to Enable the Realization of Organic Electronics Devices  Optical Atomic Clocks and Frequency Standards: Development, Distribution and New Applications  Super Resolution, In-situ Microscopies for Characterization of Nanostructured Materials  New Paradigms in Waveform Metrology

Typical Strategic “Transfer of Technology” Lifecycle  Industry “Road mapping” conferences  Strategic “Competence” Programs funded by the NIST Director  Period of on-going laboratory research and collaboration, standards implementation, external laboratory accreditation, etc.  Annual external review  Close-out

Industry “Road mapping” Conferences

Strategic “Competence” Programs funded by the NIST Director

Period of on-going laboratory research and collaboration, standards implementation, external laboratory accreditation, etc.

Annual external review by National Research Council Panels


NIST Technology Transfer metrics  Peer- reviewed publications  Standard Reference Materials  Available – 1211  Sold – 30,490  Standard Reference Data title available - 95  Calibration performed – 3,373  Documentary standards – Participation by 1,1,88 NIST staff in on 892 standards setting committees representing 91 standards developing organizations.

NIST Technology Transfer metrics (Continuation)  Conferences, workshops – 156 industry conferences with about 13,500 attendees  Guest researchers  Facility Use Agreements  CRADAs – “Traditional” – 51  “Non-Traditional”  Invention disclosures - 23  Non-Provisional patent applications filed - 8  Patent License income - $145,000

Contact Information For further information contact: For further information contact: J. Terry Lynch, CRADA & License Officer Office of Technology Partnership (OTP) National Institute of Standards & Technology 100 Bureau Drive, MS 2200 Bldg. 820 Room 209 Gaithersburg, MD Phone: (301) Fax: (301)