OBJECTIVE 1. Ever and Never oral practice
VERB Tenses Normally, verbs get an -ed in the past tense and past participle. Irregular means the verb does something different.
SOME IRREGULAR VERBS Don’t change their form(there are more) PresentPastPast Participle Cost Cut Hit Hurt Put Quit.
SOME IRREGULAR VERBS Past/Past Participle are the Same PresentPastPast Participle BendBent LendLent SendSent CreepCrept BringBrought Practice pg
SOME IRREGULAR VERBS Differ in each form. blow PresentPastPast Participle ??? Can you list these verb forms?
COMMON IRREGULAR VERBS blow PresentPastPast Participle blowblewblown Practice! Pg
break Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???
break PresentPastPast Participle breakbrokebroken
catch Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???
catch PresentPastPast Participle catchcaught
choose Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???
choose PresentPastPast Participle choosechosechosen
come Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???
come PresentPastPast Participle comecamecome
do Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???
do PresentPastPast Participle dodiddone
draw Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???
draw PresentPastPast Participle drawdrewdrawn
drink Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???
drink PresentPastPast Participle drinkdrankdrunk
dream Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???
dream PresentPastPast Participle dreamdreamt/ dreamed
drive Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???
drive PresentPastPast Participle drivedrovedriven
eat Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???
eat PresentPastPast Participle eatateeaten
fall Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???
fall PresentPastPast Participle fallfellfallen
forgive Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???
forgive PresentPastPast Participle forgiveforgaveforgiven
get Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???
get PresentPastPast Participle getgotgotten
grow Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???
grow PresentPastPast Participle growgrewgrown
know Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???
know PresentPastPast Participle knowknewknown
ride Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???
ride PresentPastPast Participle rideroderidden
run Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???
run PresentPastPast Participle runranrun
see Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???
see PresentPastPast Participle seesawseen
sing Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???
sing PresentPastPast Participle singsangsung
sit Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???
sit PresentPastPast Participle sitsat
speak Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???
speak PresentPastPast Participle speakspokespoken
swim PresentPastPast Participle swimsswamswum ??? Can you list these verb forms?
swim PresentPastPast Participle swimswamswum
throw Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???
throw PresentPastPast Participle throwthrewthrown
write Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???
write PresentPastPast Participle writewrotewritten
EVERAND NEVER EVER AND NEVER A: Have you ever studied German? B: No, I’ve never studied German. A: Has she ever been to the USA ? B: No, she has never been to the USA
Forming the Present Perfect dyzone/330/grammar/prperf1.ht m Present Perfect school.com/games/g_presperf.html
The countries I have visited The Present perfect with Daniel SeddiquiThe Present perfect with Daniel Seddiqui. What have they just done?
Haven't we met before ? Camping under the stars I haven't seen you for a long time uiz1.html uiz1.html