Ch15 Waves How do oscillations and wave relate? Can you use oscillations and waves in a meaningful sentence? How do you make wavesHow do you make waves? How do you build this into a kinematic equation? How do you visualize a wave? Dynamics? – The Wave Equation, wave speed General solution
Ch15 Superposition What is superposition? How have we used it before? What kinds of superposition/interference can waves have? How do waves interact with a boundary? Why? PhETPhET – voice demo Fourier AnalysisFourier Analysis Are there any singers in the house?
Ch15 Energy, Intensity Look at the derivation of the energy, power, intensity transmitted by a wave? What does it depend on? What is it proportional too? What does it assume? What is the wave intensity? How does energy differ from intensity? How does power differ from intensity? What is the equation for intensity? If a sound wave sounds less loud when you are farther from a speaker is energy conserved? If so, how? If not, why not? Intensity and the Decibel scale
Ch15 Waves on a String Wave pulses? Wave speed? Incident waves? Reflected waves? Transmitted waves? Resonance and standing wave patterns? What kinds of ends/boundaries can a string have? What wavelengths “fit” on a string? What wavelengths “fit” on a string? -- waves on string demo
Ch15 (Standing) Waves on a String Find the Harmonics – normal modes Overtones Fundamental Nodes Anti-nodes 2d – Chladni platesChladni plates 3d – atoms
Ch15 Sound Waves Waves in a tube The fundamental frequency Harmonics What kinds of ends/boundaries can a pipe have? What wavelengths “fit” in a pipe? – calculation Tone qualities Fourier analysis Sound lab
Ch15 Interference Interference – calculation Beats – demo Doppler – demo, calculation Shock waves
Ch17 Temperature and Heat
Ch17 Temperature: The Story What is temperature? Macroscopic? Measurement. Units. Microscopic? Story. What is the “story” of temperature? PhetPhet What are the other characters in the story? What is the goal in the story? What happens if T increases? What happens if T decreases? How do you measure temperature? Scales? How is this idealized?
Thermal Expansion Solids/Liquids Variables? Empirical relationship, proportionality Constant Mathematical expression – Linear, Area, Volume Gases Variables? Empirical relationships, proportionalities Constant Mathematical expression – The Ideal Gas Law Ch17
Heat and Specific Heat Distinguish heat, temperature, energy, pressure Visualize using a graph Adding heat to a solid, liquid, gas How much energy does it take to raise water 1°C? How much energy does it take to raise aluminum 1°C? How much energy does it take to raise ice 1°C?
Ch17 Calorimetry Balancing warming, phase changes, and work 1.Hot water mixed with cold water Limiting cases 2.Ice in water Starting at 0°C Staring below 0°C Not completely melting Freezing the water