December 3, 2012 Language Arts Stop, Drop, and Copy Define the vocab words for Stargirl List 2 Complete last blue worksheet in the spelling vocab packet Spelling/Vocab Quiz Friday! Quickwrite: Using evidence from the text, including page and paragraph, highlight what took place while Stargirl was on the Hot Seat.
Affect: is almost always a verb; it means ‘to influence’ Affect: is almost always a verb; it means ‘to influence’ Effect: is most often used as a noun and means “the result” Effect: is most often used as a noun and means “the result”
A zero can seriously ______ your grade. A zero can seriously ______ your grade. a. effect a. effect b. affect b. affect The _______ of the sun can be dangerous. The _______ of the sun can be dangerous. a. affect a. affect b. effect b. effect
Answers to Affect and Effect Worksheet 1. affects9. affect 1. affects9. affect 2. effect10. affected 2. effect10. affected 3. effect11. effect 3. effect11. effect 4. affect12. affect 4. affect12. affect 5. effect13. effect 5. effect13. effect 6. effect14. effect 6. effect14. effect 7. affected15. affected 7. affected15. affected 8. effect 8. effect
There, their, They’re Their- is a possessive pronoun, one that shows ownership Their house is on the next block. There- is an adverb that tell where Please meet us at the church over there at 2:00 p.m. They’re- is the contraction for ‘they are’ They’re coming over for dinner this evening.
Their, There, They’re Homework 1. They’re9. They’re 1. They’re9. They’re 2. there10. there 2. there10. there 3. they’re11. their 3. they’re11. their 4. their12. they’re 4. their12. they’re 5. There13. they’re 5. There13. they’re 6. there14. their 6. there14. their 7. their15. there 7. their15. there 8. they’re 8. they’re
Loose and lose Loose- means ‘free or untied”. These jeans are too loose in the waist. Lose- means to misplace or to fail to win. Georgia did lose to Alabama. Put away your books before you lose them.
Loose and lose Homework 1. loose9. loose 1. loose9. loose 2. loose10. lose 2. loose10. lose 3. lose11. loose 3. lose11. loose 4. loose12. lose 4. loose12. lose 5. loose13. lose 5. loose13. lose 6. lose14. loose 6. lose14. loose 7. lose15. lose 7. lose15. lose 8. loose 8. loose
December 4, 2012 – Language Arts Agenda Stop, Drop, and Copy Stop, Drop, and Copy Study for spelling/vocab quiz on Friday Warm Up: Warm Up: Answer the following based on yesterday’s lesson. Read Chapter 14 in Stargirl Read Chapter 14 in Stargirl Define Allusion – locate in chapter 14 Define Allusion – locate in chapter 14 Reread Cyberbullying article to locate facts, statistics, anecdotes, and quotes. Reread Cyberbullying article to locate facts, statistics, anecdotes, and quotes.
Warm Up 1. The team practiced harder so they would not _________ __________game to __________ lose, loose their, they’re, there their, they’re, there archrivals. 2. Some people say it does not _________ affect/effect them when they ________ something valuable, lose, loose lose, loose but I disagree.
Warm Up Continued 3. My excuse for not losing weight is that if I ___________ too much, my clothes will be too ___________ too much, my clothes will be too lose, loose lose, loose ______________, and buying new ones will lose, loose lose, loose severely ___________ our budget. severely ___________ our budget.affect/effect 4. __________________ too busy to notice that _________________ going to Their.they’re, theretheir, they’re, there Their.they’re, theretheir, they’re, there _____________________ ____________________ house if they don’t change lose/loosetheir, they’re, there lose/loosetheir, they’re, there __________________ spending. Their, they’re, there
Stargirl “This was the start of a period that blurs as I try to recall it. Incidents seem to cascade and merge. Events become feelings, feelings become events. Head and heart are contrary historions.” “This was the start of a period that blurs as I try to recall it. Incidents seem to cascade and merge. Events become feelings, feelings become events. Head and heart are contrary historions.” What does this mean? What does this mean? Define cascade. Define merge. Define cascade. Define merge.
Allusion An allusion is a brief reference to, or mention of, a famous person, place, thing, or idea. (Copy this on to your Literature Terms paper) What allusion is used in Stargirl in this chapter?
Idea 1Idea 2Idea 3 Supporting Details/Elaboration Supporting Details/Elaboration
Chapter 15 Describe Leo’s character. Is Leo ‘in character’ in his reactions to Stargirl’s approach? Cite evidence. Why does Archie tell the story of the human species that dies out? What literary term is this called?
Chapter What can you infer about the conversation on page 77 that Leo overhears? 2. What does Leo discover about Stargirl? 3. Why does Leo crouch by the car?
Chapter Find an example of a metaphor. 2. Find an example of personification. 3. Find an example of a simile. 4. What does it say about Leo’s character when he and Stargirl walk home from school “swinging hands for all the world to see.”
Stargirl Chapter 17 “I was a yellow balloon, smiling and lazy, floating above the classrooms.” “I was a yellow balloon, smiling and lazy, floating above the classrooms.” “I am a stone, a cactus thorn. I am rain.” “I am a stone, a cactus thorn. I am rain.” “And then the world is free to flow into me like water into an empty bowl.’ “And then the world is free to flow into me like water into an empty bowl.’
Arizona Desert
Arizona Cactus
Notebook check In Writing Folder In Writing Folder The rule of So what? The rule of So what? Narrative leads Narrative leads Paint a picture with your words. Paint a picture with your words. Rule of thoughts and feelings Rule of thoughts and feelings Ways to begin an essay (from science) Ways to begin an essay (from science) Blank paper/ all Quick Writes Blank paper/ all Quick Writes Notebook Notebook Literature Spelling/Vocabulary Mini-lessons DGP and all other grammar (Punctuating Dialogue) All papers filed!
Five types of Conflict Use write Source books, pg take notes. Give an example of each from the book, if possible. Use write Source books, pg take notes. Give an example of each from the book, if possible. What is Realistic Fiction? What is Realistic Fiction? Answer the questions for chapters in complete sentences on lined paper. Identify the type of QAR question it is. Answer the questions for chapters in complete sentences on lined paper. Identify the type of QAR question it is.