Academy of Resident Educators Collaborators: 1,2,3 Roma Moza, MD, 1,3 Arushi Manga, MD, 1,3 Natalie Villafranco, MD, 1,2,3 Srividya Bhadriraju MD, 2 Prathit A. Kulkarni, MD 1,3 Geeta R. Singhal, MD, 1,3 Mark A. Ward, MD, 1,3 Teri L Turner, MD 1 Department of Pediatrics, 2 Department of Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, 3 Texas Children’s Hospital, Houston, Texas Presented by: Roma Moza, MD -- PGY-2 This work was supported through a generous grant from The Center for Research, Innovation, and Scholarship in Medical Education, Texas Children’s Hospital
xxx00.#####.ppt 12/15/2015 5:13:00 PM Background Resident-driven initiative Evidence based development Model of Academy of Distinguished Educators CRIS foundation
xxx00.#####.ppt 12/15/2015 5:13:00 PM The Academy of Resident Educators within the Pediatrics residency program at Baylor College of Medicine aims to foster the growth of residents as clinician-educators by providing opportunities in direct instruction of learners, educational leadership, and professional development. Mission Statement
xxx00.#####.ppt 12/15/2015 5:13:00 PM Provide learning tools for future clinician-educators Improve bedside teaching skills Expose residents to the concept of scholarship within medical education Promote culture of teaching and education Our Goals:
xxx00.#####.ppt 12/15/2015 5:13:00 PM Completion of 50 hours of education-related activities outside of residency requirements Distinguished Resident Educator
DateActivityBrief DescriptionHours Faculty/ Advisor, if any Type * *Please indicate type of activity as one of the following: Direct teaching Educational leadership Creating/updating educational materials Personal development Educational research.
Budget: $3,000/academic year Bimonthly Academy events Pilot year ( ) 7 of 52 eligible residents awarded honor of Distinguished Resident Educators Current Academic Year ( ) Approximately 25 members of the Academy Current Status
Recruit Pediatric and Med-Peds residents Expand to other GME programs within Baylor Expand the concept to other institutions Next Steps
Steering Committee: Roma Moza, MD Natalie Villafranco, MD Devesh Upadhya, MD Keisha Mitchell, MD Prior Steering Committee Members: Prathit Kulkarni, MD, co- creator Travis Cook, MD, co-creator Srividya Bhadriraju, MD Arushi Manga, MD Advisors: Geeta Singhal, MD Mark Ward, MD Teri Turner, MD Acknowledgements This work was supported through a generous grant from The Center for Research, Innovation, and Scholarship in Medical Education, Texas Children’s Hospital
Roma Moza, MD Med-Peds PGY-2 Thank You!