How well does the face-piece seal to the persons face? What is Fit Testing About determining if a specific respirator fits to a persons face All respirators leak, the PortaCount machine measures how well a respirator fits onto a persons face, by counting the concentration of microscopic particles in the air, and then counting the percentage of those particles that leak into the mask – this is know as Quantitative fit testing , because the fit of the respirator is actually measured. How well does the face-piece seal to the persons face?
Who needs to be fit tested I think it reasonable that if your required to wear a respirator in your job – then you should be fit tested. It is also a mandatory requirement of the standard ASNZS1715 Police – Military – emergency services – medical people – laboratories – etc …
Safety Training Why Should We Fit Test Comfort Confirms that the respirator provides a satisfactory seal or barrier between the wearer and the contaminated environment. Ensures that the wearer knows how to properly don and use the respirator Helps to determine if a respirator will be comfortable for the worker while performing work duties Safety Training Comfort From a Safety point of view it confirms …. Training ensures …. Read the “helps ….. (Then) … having the right size mask is key (3 different sizes) … and having the right strap tension - all adds to the overall comfort factor
Best Practice AS/NZS 1715:2009 selection ,use and maintenance of respiratory protective equipment Legal HSE act: take all practicable steps AS/NZS 1715 - requires fit testing to determine an adequate match, between the face piece and the face of the wearer. Then there's the HSE act …..
Fit Test Methods Qualitative Quantitative The standard AS/NZS 1715 states “ the use of one or both types of test depends on the type of RPE (respiratory protection equipment) to be fit tested. Qualitative fit tests are limited to lower protection factors where disposable and half mask are required – higher protection factors require Quantitative fit testing (osha 29cfr1910.134 (f) (6,7)
Fit Test Methods Qualitative Quantitative SUBJECTIVE Rely on the wearers subjective response OBJECTIVE Assesses the adequacy of respirator fit by “numerically measuring the amount of leakage into the respirator.” The fit test protocol itself, is the same for both tests – requiring 8 exercises that simulate common workplace movements – for the Quantitative test, each exercise is measured and assigned a corresponding “fit factor” at the end of the test cycles an overall fit factor is then calculated. Lets look at these fit factors …..
Condensation Particle Counter The particle counter sees particles through a technique called condensation. Particles counted, are the challenge agent used for fit testing The fit tester uses alcohol vapour ( reagent grade isopropyl alcohol) to grow submicron particles to supermircon alcohol droplets and then measures the concentration of the alcohol droplets. The fit tester is sensitive to particles with diameters as small as 0.015 microns
CPC Basics Snap shot of the process….. Lets now see a demo of the fit testing ………..
Quantitative fit factor Fit Factor = C out divided by C in The PortaCount pro measures particle concentration outside the respirator (C out) and divides this value by the particle concentration measured inside the respirator (C in) A fit factor pass for a disposable and half mask is 100 A fit factor pass for a full face is 500 As an example – a fit factor of 100 means - the air inside the of the respirator is 100 times cleaner than the air outside the respirator.
Advantages of Quantitative fit testing Saves time – total cost reduced Precise No chance of deception No fit factor limit – disposable ,half mask , full face , SCBA Useful training tool Hard copy documentation of results Piece of mind Talk through each …… Lets get to the Portacount machine itself …..
AS/NZS 1715: 2009 To comply with AS/NZS 1715 you need to have a system in place that covers: Appointment of a programme administrator Selection of RPE Medical screening of end users Training Issue of RPE Fitting of equipment Respiratory testing Wearing of RPE Maintenance of RPE Record keeping Program evaluation
Onsite Quantitative Fit Testing - 0508 FIT TEST Ensure correct sized equipment is being used Employees are trained in fitting, care & maintenance AS/NZS requirements for a Respiratory Protection Programme (RPP) are met