National System in Romania - facts and challenges - Mr. Vlad Trusca Ministry of Environment and Water Management - UNFCCC Workshop on National Systems April
History UNFCCC – signed in 1992-Rio Earth Summit – ratified in 1994 by Law 24 Kyoto Protocol – signed in 1999 – ratified in 2001 by Law 3 Romania – first Annex I country that ratified the Kyoto Protocol Target – 8% reduction of GHG emissions European Union Candidate Country - accession to the EU in 2007
History - GHG Inventory The II nd National Communication (1999) - summary of GHG inventories for years December 2002 – first submission of CRF tables for the period and NIR May 2003 – first submission in time of CRF tables for the period and NIR Oct – in-country review (Bucharest) May 2004 – submission of the inventories covering the entire time series recalculated based on the in-country review Nov – desk review
Last Inventory submitted Source: Romania’s GHG Inventory submission 2004
Institutional Arrangements Ministry of Environment and Water Mngmt. (MEWM) - NFP – coordination and submission National R&D Institute for Environmental Protection (ICIM Bucharest) – GHG inventory (Energy, Ind.Proc, Solvent&OP, Agric., Waste) National Institute for Forest Research and Management (ICAS) – LULUCF National Commission for Climate Change (NCCC) – advice for approval
Inventory Preparation Annual contract between MEWM and ICIM Sub-contractor ICAS (LULUCF) ICIM team consists of 2 full time experts Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines – used for the entire time series from the first submission Apr GHG inventory is 80% ready & recalculations of entire time series ‘89–’02 New CRF reporter to be used in the 2005 submission together with the new tables for the LULUCF
National System NS exists but still needs improvements GD 586/2004 establishing National System for Integrated Assessment and Management of Air Quality (NSIAMAQ) – legal framework for NS MEWM together with NEPA and ICIM is developing a methodology based on the GD 586/2004 – procedural framework for the NS Based on the Annex to the Decision 20/CP.7 General and specific functions 3 parts: planning, preparation, management Considering also the EU Decision 280/2004/EC
Data Collection (1) Entities involved – GHG Inventory performed annually by ICIM & NEPA supported by MEWM ICAS – sub-contractor LULUCF Main activity data provider - National Institute for Statistics (NIS) Questionnaires submitted to producers, consumers, relevant industrial enterprises Ministries and local EPAs for data not available Human resources - 2 ex. ICIM, 1 ex. ICAS Internal cooperation based on a Memorandum signed between the MEWM and NIS
Data Collection (2) Covering of all sectors and IPCC source categ. Official documents published annually by NIS Problems identified in the base year (1989) due to different statistical aggregation of AD Default EF used in general (lack of CS EF) Some CS EF in Energy & Ind. Processes Uncertainty estimation not performed yet Lack of important activity data for Tier 2 methods QA/QC plan to be developed in 2005
Problems Lack of financial and human resources Lack of data in some sectors and activities (e.g. internal and intl. aviation) and for certain gases (HFCs and SF 6 ) Inconsistency between Romanian and intl. statistical data (e.g. FAO, IEA) Using default EF and methodologies instead of country specific Internal cooperation between institutions Timing regarding data collection
Future activities Finalizing the Strategy for Climate Change Related Activities and preparing the National Action Plan for Climate Change Approving methodology based on NSIAMAQ Testing the national system methodology for the next year submission Developing CS EF and methodologies Shifting to higher tier method for key sources More comprehensive NIR
Thank you For further information contact: Vlad Trusca, MEWM Ionela Draghici, ICIM Bucharest