National System in Romania - facts and challenges - Mr. Vlad Trusca Ministry of Environment and Water Management - UNFCCC Workshop on National Systems.


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Presentation transcript:

National System in Romania - facts and challenges - Mr. Vlad Trusca Ministry of Environment and Water Management - UNFCCC Workshop on National Systems April

History  UNFCCC – signed in 1992-Rio Earth Summit – ratified in 1994 by Law 24  Kyoto Protocol – signed in 1999 – ratified in 2001 by Law 3  Romania – first Annex I country that ratified the Kyoto Protocol  Target – 8% reduction of GHG emissions  European Union Candidate Country - accession to the EU in 2007

History - GHG Inventory  The II nd National Communication (1999) - summary of GHG inventories for years  December 2002 – first submission of CRF tables for the period and NIR  May 2003 – first submission in time of CRF tables for the period and NIR  Oct – in-country review (Bucharest)  May 2004 – submission of the inventories covering the entire time series recalculated based on the in-country review  Nov – desk review

Last Inventory submitted Source: Romania’s GHG Inventory submission 2004

Institutional Arrangements  Ministry of Environment and Water Mngmt. (MEWM) - NFP – coordination and submission  National R&D Institute for Environmental Protection (ICIM Bucharest) – GHG inventory (Energy, Ind.Proc, Solvent&OP, Agric., Waste)  National Institute for Forest Research and Management (ICAS) – LULUCF  National Commission for Climate Change (NCCC) – advice for approval

Inventory Preparation  Annual contract between MEWM and ICIM  Sub-contractor ICAS (LULUCF)  ICIM team consists of 2 full time experts  Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines – used for the entire time series from the first submission  Apr GHG inventory is 80% ready & recalculations of entire time series ‘89–’02  New CRF reporter to be used in the 2005 submission together with the new tables for the LULUCF

National System  NS exists but still needs improvements  GD 586/2004 establishing National System for Integrated Assessment and Management of Air Quality (NSIAMAQ) – legal framework for NS  MEWM together with NEPA and ICIM is developing a methodology based on the GD 586/2004 – procedural framework for the NS  Based on the Annex to the Decision 20/CP.7  General and specific functions  3 parts: planning, preparation, management  Considering also the EU Decision 280/2004/EC

Data Collection (1)  Entities involved – GHG Inventory performed annually by ICIM & NEPA supported by MEWM  ICAS – sub-contractor LULUCF  Main activity data provider - National Institute for Statistics (NIS)  Questionnaires submitted to producers, consumers, relevant industrial enterprises  Ministries and local EPAs for data not available  Human resources - 2 ex. ICIM, 1 ex. ICAS  Internal cooperation based on a Memorandum signed between the MEWM and NIS

Data Collection (2)  Covering of all sectors and IPCC source categ.  Official documents published annually by NIS  Problems identified in the base year (1989) due to different statistical aggregation of AD  Default EF used in general (lack of CS EF)  Some CS EF in Energy & Ind. Processes  Uncertainty estimation not performed yet  Lack of important activity data for Tier 2 methods  QA/QC plan to be developed in 2005

Problems  Lack of financial and human resources  Lack of data in some sectors and activities (e.g. internal and intl. aviation) and for certain gases (HFCs and SF 6 )  Inconsistency between Romanian and intl. statistical data (e.g. FAO, IEA)  Using default EF and methodologies instead of country specific  Internal cooperation between institutions  Timing regarding data collection

Future activities  Finalizing the Strategy for Climate Change Related Activities and preparing the National Action Plan for Climate Change  Approving methodology based on NSIAMAQ  Testing the national system methodology for the next year submission  Developing CS EF and methodologies  Shifting to higher tier method for key sources  More comprehensive NIR

Thank you For further information contact: Vlad Trusca, MEWM Ionela Draghici, ICIM Bucharest