Tribal Data Development Working Group 2004 Update Ben Wear, Pueblo of Jemez Roxanne Ellingson, Walker River Paiute Tribe
TDDWG Overview Current TEISS project work update Remaining TEISS project work to be completed in Workplan Elements 1. TEISS and EI Training and Technical Support 2. Causes of Haze Monitoring Data Analysis 3. Tribal Regional Haze TSD Guidance/Template 4. Program Enhancements
Tribal Emission Inventory Software Solution (TEISS) Independent Testing on schedule to be complete by end of Feb 2004 Ranch River and Environ subcontracted for testing Tribal Pilot tests have taken place: Pueblo of Jemez Nez Perce Tribe Confederated Salish Kootenai Attempting to schedule Gila River Indian Community
TEISS- To be completed in 2004 Schedule initial tribal Train-the-Trainer course for late spring Available to tribes as soon as testing is complete ITEP will provide technical assistance for use of TEISS and general EI procedures
1. TEISS Training and Support 2004 Provided by ITEP: TEISS distribution to tribes Two TEISS workshops open to 12 tribal staff each, with support for travel to workshop EI and TEISS Technical Support AK tribal support, thru phone and
2. Causes of Haze on Tribal Lands Monitoring Data Analysis Separate proposal and contract between the existing AMRF contractor and the TDDWG to answer Causes of Haze questions on tribal lands in WRAP region. WRAP region tribal IMPROVE monitoring sites and tribal Class I areas Identify reservations where source category impacts can be quantified Analyze the need and identify representative locations for additional regional haze monitoring sites
3. Tribal Regional Haze TSD Guidance/Template Development Purpose: Describe technical support document (TSD) data and formats needed by tribes to support regional haze TIP preparation Tribes will need to provide a TSD with their TIP or; Future WRAP regional TSD work products will need to provide sufficient data resolution in the proper formats.
4. Program Enhancement Possibilities being explored by TDDWG: Collaboration with Economic Analysis Forum to form a database for Indian Country Contractor support for tribal data needed by the Emissions Forum Collaboration with the Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) on their 2004 “Source Apportionment” project in Indian Country The TDDWG will also be fully supportive of efforts to address the “Tribal Traditional Practices and Regional Haze”.