New Materials and Means of Production Teppo Vienamo
Agenda 9:00 Well come: Teppo 9:15 You are in the right place at right time: Jaana Beidler 10:00 Students introduction 11:00 Course introduction Teppo 12:00Lunch: Teachers form the groups 13:00 Wild ideas task and starting workshop 15:00 Jussi Mikkonen Electronics :30Team building
Course is about How to design for Future Emerging technologies – Additive manufacturing Learn about new materials (Exploring new material possibilities)
Teachers Teppo Vienamo Jaana Beidler Oldouz Moslemian Special lectures various topics
Future Jussi Mikkonen: Electronics in future Johannes Koponen: Demos Helsinki is the Nordic think tank Heidi Paavilainen: How to design for future Kivi Sotamaa: How additive technology changes future
Additive manufacturing Meng Wang: Additive methods Ashish Mohite: Generative modelling Jukka Helle Additive manufacturing by robots Oldouz Moslemian Textile hybrid
Oldouz Moslemian: Biomimetics Breony Crittenden, Bringing New Materials and Methods of Making into Design Work Jaana Beidler: Innovative foot wear at Nike Saarikorpidesign: Excursion
Materials Jukka Itälä Thesis and new material research Pirjo Kääriäinen: Textile materials Michael Lettenmeier: Materials and environment Teppo Vienamo: Material Database CES Edupack
Materials to time scale BC
Energy system of the world Where does energy come? What is it used to?
energy-use-to-increase-53-by-2035-despite-facebook- changes.html content/uploads/2013/10/WEC_Resources_su mmary-final_180314_TT.pdf
Million Tonnes of Oil Equivalent outlook-2012-as-preparation-for-an-interview-with-science/
CES Edupack Material selection database New materials module Material synthesizer
Designing product concepts for a new mean of production Additive manufacturing 3th industrial revolution? How can you make multiple “parts” or functions in a simultaneously made print? Now and in future -Parts-Perspectives-and-3D-Printed-Cars
Practicalities Schedule Course structure and tasks Learning objectives Tasks Team work
Workload: 270 h Lectures, excursions, assignment briefs and debriefing sessions 56 h (7 x 8h) Team tutoring 14 h Team work with the design assignment 180h Learning diary 20h
Tasks Out door Sport device for 2035 New materials research task Suunto concept development task for additive manufacturing Learning diary
Teams About 3 students Multidisciplinary
Evaluation Peer (35%) and self (15%) evaluation Team building and communication skills 50 % How well the team member has advanced the project 50 % It is not possible that the team members equally graded Teachers evaluation (50%) Parallel concepts mid-term presentations 30% Subtasks (3kpl) + 30% Participation and activeness 10% Presentation 30% Teppo Vienamo
Learning diary Daily / weekly notes What you learned Reflection What you think about it What puzzles or inspires? To MyCourses in the end of the course
Serif Form a circle Serif in middle Point with one finger and tell name If right, pointed squats down Ones on sides point to each other and tell the names Slower is new serif
Picture of the team One person Thigs that you all share