Complete Sentences What do you need to have a complete sentence? 1.A capital letter at the beginning and punctuation at the end. 2.A subject (who or what) 3.A predicate (what happens)
Capital letters and punctuation Which sentence is written correctly? my puppy likes bones. Summer is my favorite season. What time is it
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Capital letters and punctuation Which sentence is written correctly? my puppy likes bones. Summer is my favorite season. What time is it
All sentences need a subject. This tells who or what the sentence is about. Which sentence has a subject? Went to the park. Loves to eat ice cream. Jillian chased her brother around the house.
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All sentences need a subject. This tells who or what the sentence is about. Which sentence has a subject? Went to the park. Loves to eat ice cream. Jillian chased her brother around the house.
All sentences need a predicate. This tell what the subject is or what it is doing. Which sentence has a predicate? The bright yellow ball is lost. The pretty blue flower. Mike and Alex.
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All sentences need a predicate. This tell what the subject is or what it is doing. Which sentence has a predicate? The bright yellow ball is lost. The pretty blue flower. Mike and Alex.