Учитель английского языка Островская С.О. Seasons and Months Учитель английского языка Островская С.О.
We have 4 seasons in a year :
The names of the seasons слово транскрипция перевод winter ['wintə] зима spring [spriŋ] весна summer ['sʌmə] лето fall [fɔ:l] осень(амер) autumn [' ɔ:təm] осень(брит)
How many months do we have?
Yes, you’re right. We have 12 months Let’s say it.
Spring is green, Summer is bright, Autumn is yellow, Winter is white.
Name the winter months: spring, autumn, summer
Can you say? What is your favourite season? My favorite season is …. My birthday is in (месяц). It is (время года) For example: My favorite season is summer. My birthday is in October. It is autumn.
Let's paint the months in the following colors: winter – white spring – green summer – red autumn – yellow
Can you find? J A N U R Y B O E C V F T I D G M K S Q P W X