K3/K4 Hearts & Hands Preschool Cumberland Christian School Miss Jessica Haenn
Phonics- letter a week Math-numbers, shapes, calendar, patterns Bible stories, songs, verses Centers/ Theme Based: library, block area, art area, dramatic play area, toy area, stories
By the end of the year, students should be able to: K3 Write their first names. Identify the majority of the letters, especially uppercase. Identify all of their colors. Identify shapes. Count to 15. K4 Write their first and last names. Identify all letters, both upper and lowercase. Count to 30. Working toward counting to 100. Identify patterns and be able to extend and create patterns.
*We use the Mimio interactive whiteboard on a daily basis. *Computers will be available during center time. *Students will be using the school tablets with close supervision.
*Abcmouse.com is a free phonics/math program available to schools. I have set up an account for each of your children. We will be accessing it at sometimes at school, but I have an access code for each of you to be able to use at home.
Classwork, school papers and family involvement activities will be in their folders. Communication to and from me via their composition books. Please check and return folders and notebooks daily!
*Awards for % perfect *Can be made up at anytime before the certificates are due in late May. *The same certificate is used for K3-5 th grade.
Family Involvement Activities Every month you will receive a calendar with “school readiness” activities that you can do at home. These will be easy activities across the domains of development that require simple household items. Every week you will receive a newsletter with information about the topics that we are learning. Included in this letter will be a small project or papers to complete at home that week and return to school the following week. Some in-class family activities
Arrival Writing/Bathroom Circle Time-Calendar, Daily Message Bible Small Group Learning Snack Special Planning Time Work Time (Center Time) Recall Time Lunch/Recess Bathroom/Nap Free Choice Closing Circle
Mondays, Wednesdays = P.E. Tuesdays = Art Thursdays = Library Fridays = Music
*Parent Teacher Conferences- October 15,16,19 *Field trip October 15 to Duffield’s Farm-allowed one chaperone per student.
Thanksgiving Feast
Christmas program and party
*Valentine’s Day party *100 th day party
Field trip
Field Day