Class Poplar: Miss Owen Class Cedar: Miss Ayre Assisted by Mrs Small and Mrs Parrish PPA teachers: Mrs Freeman and Ms Smart
Will be the children’s last year at primary school so We want it to be a fun and memorable year for them whilst at the same time making sure they have all the skills they need to be confident learners at their new secondary schools. The year group will work together more as a team in Y6 than in other years working together in subjects such as P.E. For some subjects, there may be teacher swaps to allow the children to benefit from teacher specialism. When we visit the Isle of Wight, the children may choose to share with other children from both classes.
By the end of the year we expect the children to take responsibility for themselves this includes: Equipment Behaviour Organisation Home learning Positive attitude Your child should come to school with their water bottle filled with water and a snack for playtime if they wish. We will allow the children to fill up their water bottle but this must be done at an appropriate time such as play time or lunch – valuable learning time is being missed with children constantly leaving the room to fill up their bottles.
Encourage independence Reading and discussing texts Times tables Find fun ways to help your child learn outside of the classroom Help them to realise it is ok to make mistakes
We would appreciate your help and cooperation with homework, so that the children develop the organisational skills they will need at secondary school All homework should be completed to a high standard Spelling Maths/literacy Grid Reading
Will be in a 2 week cycle Week 1 Words will be handed out on a Monday with a spelling task to complete We will test these words on Friday of the same week Week 2 Spelling task for homework on the Monday, using the same pattern from week one Friday we will test different words using the same pattern Topic words
The children will receive maths and literacy homework (on alternate weeks) every Friday which is due in on the following Monday.
As in Year 5 the children will need to complete one activity of their choice per week This can be completed at any point, however it needs to be handed in on Monday, with a task finished, and it will be marked and handed back on a Tuesday We have included extra activities, as you may want to complete them during the holiday
Reading is the key to success in all other subjects and we therefore give it top priority. We are trying to develop a love of reading and after discussion with the children about their reading record books we have asked them to do the following: They should read either individually or with an adult They should read at least four times a week and record the date and page each time. Either you or they can also make a comment about what they have read. Mrs Small and Mrs Parrish will mark their record’s on a Friday
Lots of valuable P.E. time is lost due to children not having the right equipment. (PE t-shirt) We would like to use the field as much as possible for outdoor P.E. And it is therefore vital that the children have suitable footwear to change into. The children need: shorts, t shirt, jogging bottoms, a jumper, footwear and this should be in school everyday. Girls need to make sure that they have socks to change into if they are wearing tights. They will need shorts and a t shirt for indoor P.E.
By Year 6 the children have outgrown or lost their art aprons. However they still tend to get messy during art! The best and easiest solution is to send in an old t shirt, maybe a parent’s so that it is too big and will easily fit over their school clothes!
Communication is a two way process. Please do not hesitate to talk to us if you have any queries or concerns and we will do our very best to help in any way we can. And vice-versa, we will contact you if we have any concerns regarding your child’s learning or behaviour. Please talk to us in the mornings or at the end of the day if there are any problems but if it is something that requires more time then please book a time to see us through the school office.
E-safety is paramount to the world we live in. We teach e-safety through our computing lessons. However, we feel that you need to be aware of this important issue. More information can be found on the school website under ‘Children and Learning’
If you would like to come in to support learning, then please see us!