Saint Mark’s School Mark Munoz Second Grade Whoooo’s the Teacher?
Thank you for trusting your children with us this year!
Philosophy I believe in fostering a nurturing classroom community where students feel welcomed and can achieve their personal best. I aim to educate each student not only academically, but socially and emotionally as well. Children need to feel that they are loved by the way we talk and treat them. Children should be given every opportunity to succeed. Student-centered environments where I can promote exploration and self discovery through hands-on experience and project based learning.
Goals My goal for this school year is to create a safe, kind, and caring classroom community. I hope that each child develops a love for learning as they discover and explore new things. I also hope to teach my students how to learn and how to think.
Responsive Classroom What is the Responsive Classroom approach? Responsive Classroom is a widely used, research-based approach to education that is associated with greater teacher effectiveness, higher student achievement, and improved school climate. The goal of the Responsive Classroom approach is to create a safe, joyful and challenging learning environment for every child. What is distinctive about the Responsive Classroom approach? The Responsive Classroom premise is that the social curriculum is as important as the academic curriculum because children learn best through social interaction. Our approach has several distinctive features, including: Morning Meeting (gathering as a whole class each morning to greet one another, share news, and warm up for the day ahead); Positive teacher language (using words and tone to promote children's active learning and self-discipline); and A positive approach to student discipline
Homework Policy Given daily 20 – 30 minutes (reading not included) 20 minutes of reading to self, listening to books, or reading to someone Math Spelling/Word Work Reading
Birthday Celebrations Recognize each child on their actual birthday Monthly celebrations with a special snack No Nut treats and healthy treats are encouraged. You are welcome to join the birthday celebration. Monthly celebrations will take place on the last Friday of every month at 2:30pm. Summer birthdays will be celebrated in June before the end of school.
2 nd Grade Curriculum Language Arts Reading: Daily 5 Develop fluency Focus on reading from our grade level reading textbook. Begin to read short chapter books. Explore story elements such as character, setting, plot sequencing, and point of view. Develop comprehension by means of whole and small group discussion. Spelling: Words Their Way Writing: 6 Traits of Writing include: Selecting an idea or topic, Applying appropriate organizational structures, Developing a writer's voice, Selecting rich colorful words, Writing well structured and fluid sentences, Applying conventions (Spelling, punctuation, capitalization, grammar/usage, and paragraphing) Units of Writing include: Friendly letters, Thank you notes, Narratives, and Expository writing (How To... and Brochure)
2 nd Grade Curriculum Math in Focus – Singapore Math Curriculum Place Value Numbers through 1000 Addition and subtraction of three-digit numbers Multiplication Money Time Math Facts Problem solving
2 nd Grade Curriculum Social Studies Depending on Others Students will learn where their food comes from and the people we depend on for providing the food. Knowing Your Family Students will learn family traditions, immigration, ancestors, and about family trees. Living in Our Country Students will learn U.S. symbols and celebrations. People Who Have Made a Difference Students will study and research the lives of people who made a difference in our local and global communities. As a culminating activity, the students will write a biography.
Science Science for all grades Science is an academic subject here at Saint Mark’s school. In case of student absence it is important that you contact Mrs. Kim, the science teacher, through and make up class work if necessary. Many times students would have to stay after school and make up the lab. Please check Mrs. Kim’s teacher page regularly for updates on the units her class is covering, tests, and homework.
Contact Info You can also leave a voice message on the classroom phone (626) EXT – 250
Mr. Munoz’s Class!