A brief introduction to EDA systems Paolo PRINETTO Politecnico di Torino (Italy) University of Illinois at Chicago, IL (USA) Lecture 2.3
2 2.3 Goal This lecture briefly introduces Electronic Design Automation (EDA) systems.
3 2.3 Prerequisites Lecture # 2.2
4 2.3 Homework Students are warmly invited to visit the home pages of major EDA system vendors, such as: Mentor Graphics ® at: synopsys ® at: LogicVision ® at: Avant! ® at:
5 2.3 Further readings No particular suggestion
6 2.3 “If some one gave me eight hours to cut a tree, … … I would spend six hours sharpening the axe!” [Abraham Lincoln]
7 2.3 EDA Systems An Electronic Design Automation (EDA) system is a collection of integrated tools to support the overall product life-cycle.
8 2.3 EDA Systems An Electronic Design Automation (EDA) system is a collection of integrated tools to support the overall product life-cycle.
9 2.3 EDA Systems An Electronic Design Automation (EDA) system is a collection of integrated tools to support the overall product life-cycle.
EDA Systems An Electronic Design Automation (EDA) system is a collection of integrated tools to support the overall product life-cycle.
Design / Synthesis
Design / Synthesis Validation & Verification Validation & Verification
Design / Synthesis Validation & Verification Validation & Verification Manufacturing Manufacturing
Design / Synthesis Validation & Verification Validation & Verification Manufacturing Manufacturing Testing Testing
Design entry Verification & Validation AutomaticSynthesis Testsupport PhysicaldesignProductionsupport Libraries Design Data Base Basic structure of EDA systems
The Design Database Is the kernel of the EDA system Interfaces a large variety of different tools Collects all the needed information items. Design Data Base
Libraries Collection of modules and/or blocks, available in the different design phases
Libraries Collection of modules and/or blocks, available in the different design phases Provided by the Silicon Foundries via the EDA vendors
Design entry Schematic editors HDL compilers Design Data Base Design entry
Verification & Validation Simulators Formal verifi- cation tools Model checkers Verification & Validation Design rule checkers Design Data Base
Automatic Synthesis Low level synthesis RT level synthesis Logic level synthesis High level synthesis Automatic Synthesis Design Data Base
Physical Design Floor planners Design rule checkers Placers & routers Symbolic layout tools Physical design Design Data Base
Testing support Test pattern generators Fault simulators ATE interfaces Fault manager Testing support Design Data Base
A little bit of history Physical layout tools(Calma, Applicon) 1980Schematic editors(Daisy, Mentor, Valid) 1985Behavioral simulation(Gateway) 1988Automated synthesis(synopsys) 1992Test automation(Sunrise)
Testsupport PhysicaldesignProductionsupport Libraries Design Data Base EDA system structure for this course Design entry HDL compilers Automatic Synthesis RT level synthesis Verification & Validation Simulators