Opportunity and Innovation in the Information Needs of Millennials By Shawnta Smith June 19th, 2009 Marquette University Raynor Memorial Libraries
Changing the way we read…
from Julia McIntyre to shawntasmith date Sun, Jun 07, 2009 at 3:47 PM subject I have a reference question mailed-by gmail.com Hi Shawn, I'm doing research for my thesis on cultivating lesbian identity through art. I was wondering if you know how I can conduct some of my research. I need something quick, in multiple formats, and that I can share. Best, Julia
Opportunities and Innovations of Millenials Time Efficient Communication -Chatting & Document Management Software Multi-Formatted -A single reference question can have an answer with various formats Social Networking -Content Management Systems & Resource Sharing
3:52 PM me: 3:53 PM Julia: Well Julia, I'm so excited to see what your thesis is on. I had a similar topic for my library school thesis. Instead of chatting, may I send you a PDF file? Wow Shawnta, that would be great! Opportunity and Innovation #1 Time Efficiency
3:56 PM me: 3:57 PM Julia: Because the file is large, however, I will need to send it via a file transfer system. Let me know when you get it! OK, sure! I'll be in touch. 3:57 PM me: Talk with you soon. It's going to come from the graduate center's file transfer program. Opportunity and Innovation #1 Time Efficiency
Document Management Software (Examples) XythosXythos –Provides document and file management software solutions and a subsidiary of Blackboard Inc. (1997).– YouSendItYouSendIt –(2004) Digital Content Delivery Company whose mission is to build a global digital delivery platform empowering businesses to send, track, and receive files on-demand.– Desire2LearnDesire2Learn (D2L) –(1999) Web-based learning management system (has a dropbox tool which acts as an intranet for file transfers).– Google Documents –Google Documents –Project of Google(1998) where file-sharing up to 10MB is free for gmail account holders.– XythosXythos –Provides document and file management software solutions and a subsidiary of Blackboard Inc. (1997).– YouSendItYouSendIt –(2004) Digital Content Delivery Company whose mission is to build a global digital delivery platform empowering businesses to send, track, and receive files on-demand.– Desire2LearnDesire2Learn (D2L) –(1999) Web-based learning management system (has a dropbox tool which acts as an intranet for file transfers).– Google Documents –Google Documents –Project of Google(1998) where file-sharing up to 10MB is free for gmail account holders.– Opportunity and Innovation #1 Time Efficiency
Why not GoogleDocs filesharing? When file-sharing a PDF, You CANNOT... Share the PDF itself Upload a PDF larger than 10MB Share PDFs with mailing lists Publish a PDF so that anyone can view it Share a PDF with someone who does not have a Gmail Account Opportunity and Innovation #1 Time Efficiency
4:02 PM me: 4:00 PM Julia: Great let me walk you through it! Scroll down past the literature review, and past the methodology to page 46. There is a great index and appendix too. Shawn, I’ve just opened the document! It’s huge!
Opportunity and Innovation #2 Multiple Formats Barnes, Sherri L. “ Lesbian Subjectivities: Theorizing, Critiquing, Personalizing ” Black American Feminisms: A Multi-Disciplinary Bibliography University of California Santa Barbara Libraries 25 April 2007.
SOURCES on Queer Theories for the Production of Lesbian of Color Identity Formation through Literature, Art or Documentation CONTEXT Literature Visual art (paintings, film, photography) Performance Art (theatre, music, plays) Identity Discourse, Identity Formation, and Documentation Opportunity and Innovation #2 Multiple Formats
SOURCES on Queer Theories for the Production of Lesbian of Color Identity Formation through Literature, Art or Documentation Monographs Primary Sources Encyclopedias Bibliographies Anthologies Websites On-line Databases Archival Material FORMAT Opportunity and Innovation #2 Multiple Formats
4:21 PM me: 4:20 PM Julia: No Problem, it was fun! Shawn, thanks for walking me through the info. 4:25 PM Julia: One more thing. I’d like to show my professors and colleagues these sources, how do you suggest I share the info? 4:21 PM me: Hmm, there ’ s plenty of ways …
Friendster Opportunity and Innovation #3 Social Networking Twitter Yola LiveJournal Tumblr Linkedin Myspace Social Networking Facebook Ning Tweets Blogs Content Management Systems Wordpress Websites
Which one do we use? Opportunity and Innovation #3 Social Networking
Professor’s at Marquette used Titter!! Julia and I used Yola.com!! Opportunity and Innovation #3 Social Networking
6:02 PM me: 6:00 PM Julia: Great! Can ’ t wait to see it. Well, gotta go. Thanks Shawn, that was super fun. I’m gonna use Yola.com for my personal site too! 6:03 PM Julia: TTYL!