SMART Standardized Monitoring and Assessment of Relief and Transitions.


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Presentation transcript:

SMART Standardized Monitoring and Assessment of Relief and Transitions

What is SMART? Interagency global initiative of donors, humanitarian organizations, academia Multi-partner network, mechanism for “shared approach” & continued evolvement of agenda, priorities Actionable Activities – based on SMART Workshop 2002, G-8

Background Initiated by USAID, State/PRM, CIDA to meet donor reporting needs using benchmark indicators Crude Mortality Rate (CMR) and nutritional status of children under five (USAID humanitarian goal indicators selected in 1999)

Background… “Most vital, basic public health indicators of the severity of a humanitarian crisis”, July 02 SMART Workshop Monitoring of the total relief response – is the system meeting needs? Workshop summary at

SMART Goal How do we determine needs (based on acute risk to life/health), and be more accountable and effective? Institutionalize evidence-based policy making and reporting on humanitarian and transition situations

SMART Priority Issues Standardize methodology for assessing nutritional status, mortality rate, with food security context Establish comprehensive, collaborative systems to ensure reliable data for making policy/ program decisions, and reporting

SMART will provide: Standardized methodology for assessment, reporting Key nutritional, health, mortality and food security data for rational decision making Quick access to reliable data (ranked - based on source credibility, methodology) Evidence-based trends analysis and impact studies Technical support to ensure standardized, quality data Network - continued research, consensus building on additional indicators, activities

SMART organization Network of leading experts, practitioners, donors Expert Panels and Technical Advisory Groups (TAG) organized on specific activities

Concept We are part of the solution No single organization has all the resources brings the pieces together The “shared approach”…

SMART Partners Donors Universities, research institutes UN/International organizations PVOs/NGOs Local governments Individual experts

Implementing the concept… Actionable Activities SMART Training Expert Panel Research Database Methodology

SMART Methodology Nutrition CMR Food Security Technical Support Database CE-DAT Operations Research Expert Panel Vulnerability Food security SMART Methodology Nutritional Status Mortality Rate Food Security CDC SCF/UK CRED UNICEF

SMART Methodology: Purpose Purpose: To determine needs, monitor and report on progress and trends using standardized data collection, analysis, interpretation and reporting Package: Survey protocol/manual, windows-based analytical software

SMART Methodology: Audience Audience: All humanitarian organizations, SMART partners Level of difficulty: Targeted to PVOs/NGOs (with technical training) “ The methodology should be technically sound and simple, that is do-able by our partners, in particular PVOs/NGOs. This should be the balance.” Ralte, July 23, 2003

SMART Version 1 – Elements Iterative – upgraded based on research Integrated – nutritional status, mortality rate, food security Primer – basic essential methodology Time element – do-able, critical in acute versus chronic Linkages – electronic manual with hyperlinks to references – layering of guidelines

SMART Version 1 - Approach Based on anthropometry (nutritional status assessment), with the most critical components of mortality (CMR) & food security (HEA lite) integrated Based on viable best-practice methodologies until further research determines change

SMART Methodology: Work Plan Expert Panel Meeting: July 13-15, 2004 Draft Manual by end August Review: EP participants & others Pilot-test: country? Timing? TAG: before end 2004 (NYC) Apply selected countries over 3 years (add 2 countries per year) Survey every six months and/or combine with surveillance

SMART Methodology Nutrition CMR Food Security Technical Support Database CE-DAT Operations Research Expert Panel Vulnerability Food security Training Technical Support Comprehensive Sustainable Graduate degree Short certification course Long-distance Tulane University & others

Technical Support Training – integrated to organization activities; tailored to needs Quick access to leading experts Listserve Web-based forum Virtual library

SMART Methodology Nutrition CMR Food Security Technical Support Database CE-DAT Operations Research Expert Panel Vulnerability Food security Complex Emergencies Database (CE-DAT) Standardized Validated Ranked Sourced Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED)

CE-DAT Establish peer-reviewed methodology for determining mortality baseline Establish preliminary mortality baseline for 29 countries; in-depth profile priority countries Trend analysis on mortality, morbidity, nutritional status in priority countries Linkages: existing conflict-related databases; DHS and MICS surveys TAGs: November 2003, July 2004

SMART Methodology Nutrition CMR Food Security Technical Support Database CE-DAT Operations Research Expert Panel Vulnerability Food security Research HEA “lite” Other indicators, e.g., HIV/AIDS CDC Universities Work in progress…

SMART Methodology Nutrition CMR Food Security Technical Support Database CE-DAT Operations Research Expert Panel Vulnerability Food security Expert Panel Vulnerability assessment Food security indicators DFID USAID Work in progress….

G-8 Action Plan “The G-8 will support further activities to improve needs assessment and monitoring of famine and food security. This will include the establishment of a multi-partner experts’ panel to review standards of practice for vulnerability assessments and food security, and the development of online information systems to disseminate information on vulnerable areas, needs assessments, and the impact of assistance operations.”

Thank you… “Let’s all work together now and keep focused on why we are here. It is not about ourselves, but our commitment to helping those who need us. It is about saving lives.” SMART July 23, 2002