+ Pre-Dental Club October Meeting Dental Student Panel Monday, October 19
+ Today’s Meeting: Welcome! Kaplan Presentation – Jake Schroeder Nick Sengush – Campus Unity for the Research and Education of Diabetes (CURED) Operation Smile – Jacob Jordan Membership Dues Reminder Vote on T-shirts! Dental Student Panel Upcoming Events
+ Kaplan DAT Prep Materials Jake Schroeder – Kaplan Rep
+ C.U.R.E.D. Campus Unity for the Research and Education of Diabetes Nick Sengush - President
+ Operation Smile Jacob Jordan & Meera Domordaran omepage_panel
+ Membership Membership Google Form can be found on our website Submit form and pay dues ($30) to an officer at a meeting. Benefits of Paid Membership: T-shirt Voting rights Officer eligibility Please turn in ASAP – Ordering shirts based off members by end of this week
+ Tshirts! Must be paid member to get t-shirt! Vote for Ideas! (next slides are basic content, styling will improve before order)
+ Option 1: How I Roll This is How I roll (Can change toothpaste colors for blue shirt) UMN Pre-Dental Club
+ Option 2: Goldy UMN Pre-Dental Club Dentists Have Fillings Too
+ Option 3: It’s Toothsday! UMN Pre-Dental Club Phrasing is the idea. Can’t use this specific logo. Alternative smiling tooth though!
+ Option 4: Toothsday Goldy It’s Toothsday! Smile! UMN Pre-Dental Club
+ Shirt Color / Style Short Sleeve Long Sleeve for additional $5 Will send out reminder in recap . if you want long sleeve. Colors: Light Gray Pastel Blue
+ Social Events Poll Upcoming meeting: DAT / Ice Cream Social Other Social Event TBA When: Week of 11/22 or 11/29
+ Thanks for coming! Next Meeting Monday, November 26 th DAT Practice Test / Social Other Events Halloween Gopher Tailgate! (Pre-Med ASMSA, Love Your Melon, Bet the Match, Pre-Dental Club, etc) When: Saturday, October 31 st, 3-6 pm Where: Coffman (Possible closer to the stadium depending on availability) Food?: Hotdogs, Cookies, Lemonade Social Event When: Week of 11/22 or 11/29 December Meeting Monday, December 7 th Dr. Lopez – What Makes a Competitive Applicant
+ Keep Informed!