A Scottish Welcome? Lesson starter: Account for the divisions between Catholic Irish and Protestant Irish in Scotland. (5 marks)
When a large number of Irish arrived in Scotland, opinions were divided Many welcomed the hardworking Irish and had sympathy for them Many thought they lowered the tone of Scotland due to their religion or behaviour
Positive Views of Irish immigrants Negative Views of Irish Immigrants Place the following statements into the correct column.
The Irish are violent and often involved in vicious fights All the Irish in our neighbourhoods have conducted themselves perfectly The Navvies who build our railways are the most violent people I have ever known Of those arrested for being drunk and disorderly in Glasgow…more than half are Irish It’s nothing to do with being Irish…English and Scots navvies are every bit as violent
The influx of Irish will eventually lower the standards of the Scots The Irish have brought new life to the Catholic Church in Scotland The Irish have a work ethic far better than any Scots I have employed The Irish have deprived the Scots of work We could not do without their work…many are extremely skilled workers Poor conditions and poverty cannot be blamed on the Irish…these were already in Scotland long before their arrival
Anti-Catholic Feeling in Scotland Many Scots strongly opposed to Catholicism Catholic Irish were welcomed less than Protestants Catholic bishops were placed back in Scotland in 1878 Started anti- Catholic feeling Scottish Reformation Society opposed the spread of Catholicism John Knox
Newspapers like The Protestant claimed Irish immigrants had been placed in Scotland by The Pope The Church of Scotland claimed Irish were stealing Scots jobs The Church of Scotland was also outraged about the 1918 Education Act which gave financial support to Catholic schools Scottish Protestant League Glasgow Protestant Action Edinburgh WW2 in 1939 calmed down religious tension
8 mark essay To what extent were Irish immigrants welcomed by the Scots population? (8 marks)