The purpose urine studies is to identify variation in substances normally found in the urine. Diseases of several organs and systems can alter the composition of urine. Prepared by Abeer Alhabash
Urine is formed in the kidneys, is a product of ultra filtration of plasma by the renal glomeruli. Prepared by Abeer Alhabash
Urine Urine is a liquid by- product of the body secreted by the kidneys through a process called urination.liquidkidneysurination Prepared by Abeer Alhabash
Examination Physical Prepared by Abeer Alhabash
− Ammonia-like(Urea-splitting bacteria) − Foul, offensiveOld specimen, pus or inflammation − Sweet Glucose − Fruity Ketones Prepared by Abeer Alhabash
Urine always transparent. Sometimes it change because : The presence of inflammation in the genital tract caused by some types of fungi. Increase the amount of salt in the urine. Increase the amount of epithelial cells. Prepared by Abeer Alhabash
Chemical Analysis Urine Dipstick Glucose Bilirubin Ketones Specific Gravity Blood pH Protein Urobilinogen Nitrite Leukocyte Esterase Prepared by Abeer Alhabash
Coagulation Test Aim of work Detection of protein in the urine. Materials Urine Glacial acetic acid 10% Water bath Test tubes Prepared by Abeer Alhabash
put 5 ml of urine in tube. Put 2-3 drops of Glacial acetic acid 10% Prepared by Abeer Alhabash
insoluble soluble Albumin is present Amorphous phosphate Prepared by Abeer Alhabash
Test for glucose put 5 ml of fehling in tubeput 8 of urine in tube For 2 min Prepared by Abeer Alhabash