Elements of Science- Fiction jmcginnis.pbworks.com/f/Elements+of+Science+Fiction+Powerpoint.pptx
Elements of Science-Fiction Realistic and fantastic details Balance of real and imaginary. Grounded in science Unknown inventions Makes a serious comment about the world Often contains a warning for humankind
Science-Fiction Settings Another planet Under the oceans Another dimension of existence May be a utopia or dystopia May be in the future May time travel to the past (or future) May take place in present, but alternate reality
Science-Fiction Characters Protagonist (Hero) Antagonist (Villian) These characters may be a being (human or other) or may be a force Protagonist or Antagonist may be a society’s laws, a disease or other problem, technology, etc. Creatures, robots, aliens, etc.
Science is Important to the Story Advanced technology Realistic and/or fantastic Genetics Disease Exploration Special powers or senses as a result of science Science can be the savior or the root of the problem
Message or Warning for Humans Science-fiction stories often contain a message or warning May help us anticipate change in the world May comment upon society’s current state Focus less on technology in the end of stories and move on to sociological and emotional aspects
Differences Between Sci-Fi & Fantasy Science fiction is grounded in science and is more possible, whereas fantasy has no grounding in reality, and so is not possible at all. Science fiction is based on facts. On the contrary, fantasy is only imaginary, and not based on facts. Fantasy involves things that do not exist in real life. On the other hand, science fiction is almost related to real things, and based on technology and science. Unlike science fiction, fantasy uses more supernatural forms and magic in its plot or theme.
Popular Sci-Fi Movies and Novels 1984 by George Orwell Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury Brave New World by Aldous Huxley I, Robot by Isaac Asimov 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne Frankenstein by Mary Shelley The Giver by Lois Lowry Enders Game by Orson Scott Card The Matrix Star Wars Back to the Future Avatar Wall-E I Am Legend Jurassic Park I, Robot
Reflection Prompt “What is the theme of the novel or film and how does the text use both science and imagination to deliver a message?”