Ecology around us Today is the 5 th of November Thursday Today is the 5 th of November Thursday Plan of the lesson: 1. Revise and use words on the topic.


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Presentation transcript:

Ecology around us Today is the 5 th of November Thursday Today is the 5 th of November Thursday Plan of the lesson: 1. Revise and use words on the topic. 2. Read the text. 3.Discuss the problem. 4. Watch the video. 5. Do tasks. Plan of the lesson: 1. Revise and use words on the topic. 2. Read the text. 3.Discuss the problem. 4. Watch the video. 5. Do tasks.

What a wonderful world!

Our beautiful planet The world we live in is really wonderful: blue oceans, seas and rivers, mountains, hills, fields and valleys. We live surrounded by this beauty.

What a wonderful world!

Match the pictures with the words: А) Hill b)canal c)city d)pond e) waterfall f) forest g) volcano h) mountain i) canyon j) lake k) cave l) desert m) river n) stream o) dam p) oasis q)island r) sea

Earth Read the text, define and mark with the symbols the information which : already know – “V” ; new for you – “+” ; think differently – “--” ; don’t understand and have questions – “?”.

Earth 1.Earth is the third planet from the sun. 2. It has an atmosphere full of oxygen and has oceans filled with water. 3.71% of the Earth's surface is covered by water which is essential for life on the planet. 4.If the temperature on Earth were any colder the water would freeze, and if it were any hotter the water would evaporate. 5.The rest of Earth's surface is covered by mountains, deserts, plains, and other landforms. 6.The atmosphere that surrounds the Earth protects it from the sun's ultraviolet rays and stops it from becoming too cold or too hot. 7.Earth is the only planet in the solar system where life is known to exist. 8.The population of humans on Earth is 7 billion. 9.The Earth takes 365 days to orbit the sun. 10.The Earth has one moon called Luna. 11.It is Earth's only natural satellite. 12.Earth is sometimes called the Blue Planet.

Number of sentence already know “V” new for you “+” think differently “--” don’t understand “?”

Answer the following questions. 1.How much of the Earth's surface is covered by water? 2.What would happen to the water if the temperature on Earth were any hotter? 3.What is the human population on Earth? 4.Earth is the.... a) fifth planet from the sun с)fourth planet from the sun b) second planet from the sun d)third planet from the sun 5.How many days does it take for the Earth to orbit the sun? 6.Earth has one moon. What is it called? 7.What stops the Earth from becoming too hot or too cold? 8.What is the Earth sometimes called?

The nature faces a great threat pollution the environment Загрязнение окружающей среды nuclear wasteЯдерные отходы air pollutionЗагрязнение воздухаgreenhouse effectПарниковый эффект water pollutionЗагрязнение водыglobal warmingГлобальное потепление Soil/land pollutionЗагрязнение почвы/земли endangered species |ˈspiːʃiːz| Вид, находящийся под угрозой вымирания exhaust fumes |ɪɡˈzɔːst| Выхлопные газыDeforestationВырубка леса domestic garbage/litter (Бытовой) мусорacid rainКислотный дождь Pesticides [pɛstɪsʌɪd| Пестицид, средство для борьбы с вредителями ozone holeОзоновая дыра oil spillРазлив нефти

2. Match the words with their meaning Сопоставь слова с их значением a) acid rain b) air pollution c) deforestation d) domestic garbage e pesticides f) pollution g) water pollution h) garbage i) oil spill j)soil pollution k) ozone hole l) nuclear waste n) endangered species o) exhaust fumes 1. загрязнение почвы 2.озоновая дыра 3.кислотный дождь 4.мусор 5.загрязнение 6.уничтожение лесов 7.разлив нефти 8.домашний мусор 9.ядерные отходы 10.загрязнение воды 11 вымирающие животные 12.выхлопы газа 13.загрязнение воздуха 14.пестициды

a)air pollution b)ozone hole c)water pollution d)domestic garbage e)Soil pollution f)Deforestation g)acid rain h)exhaust fumes

Watch the film and define kinds of pollution shown in the film.

Pollution is the biggest problems in the world today. What are the problems and what can people do? PROBLEMS: SOLLUTIONS: Pure drinking water has already become a problem in many parts of the world. - We can save water. For example, we can save water from our baths and use it for the garden. - We can stop losing water because of leaking pipes. Many cities have successfully saved water by repairing pipes. We pollute the water and the ground with toxic waste that comes from factories and with acid rain which kills trees, fish and animals. - Governments must pass laws to stop factories from wasting and polluting water. Factories should recycle water and stop pouring chemicals into our lakes and rivers. We pollute the air with cars and factories: gas fumes come from cars and smoke comes from factory chimneys. -We could use our cars less and walk, cycle or use public transport. -- Factories could clean their smoke. We poison the environment, using chemicals to spray fields and gardens to kill insects and weeds, or using detergents. We should only buy washing-up liquid and washing powder that do not harm the environment. The main reason for pollution is waste – that is things which we use at home and then throw away. - We should collect different kinds of waste: bottles, cans, paper, rags, and take them to places where they can be recycled. - We can re- cycle and re-use things. - DON’T WASTE food, water, energy, materials. Use everything sensibly and carefully. Forests are part of our environment. By cutting down trees we harm the environment. When the forest is destroyed, it isn’t only the trees that are lost, the homes of millions of animals and plants are destroyed too. Many kinds of species are in danger. We can help by re-using paper when it is possible. Encourage other people to buy only recycled paper! Have you ever planted a tree? Educate other people about the danger of forest fires.

What do you think of our future? Make up predictions matching the parts of sentences. 1. If we don’t cut down rainforests - 2.If we protect wildlife - 3.If we use only good petrol and more public transport - 4.If we recycle paper, glass, cans – 5.If we don’t throw away litter and rubbish – 7. If we don’t pollute rivers – a) water will be clean and fish will not die. b) our cities will be clean and safe. c) rare plants and animals will survive. d) we will save important resources. e) we can reduce air pollution. f) we will save endangered species.

How “green ”are you? – Quiz 1. When you leave a room, do you a) turn off all the lights? b) leave on light on? c) never bother to turn off the lights? 2. Do you a) take short showers (less than 10 minutes?) b) have baths? c) take long showers (more than 10 minutes?) 3. Do you a) walk or ride a bike for short journeys? b) take a public transport when you can? c) travel everywhere by car? 4.Do you a) separate all your rubbish and recycle what you can? b) recycle some of your rubbish? c) never recycle anything? 5.Do you a) only use heating and air conditioning when you really need them? b) use heating and air conditioning now and again? c) have the heating all the winter and the air conditioning on all summer?

How “green ”are you? Mostly A: Well done! It sounds like you are doing all you can to help our planet. Keep up the good work. Mostly B: It seems like you know about the problems that are facing our environment and try to do what you can. There are still some more things that you could to though. Mostly C: There is a lot more you could do to help the environment. Every little bit can help make our world a better place for everyone.

Homework Translate the poem by Lorraine Bayes “Hug The Earth”.

Hug The Earth Lorraine Bayes Walking along feeling free Feeling the earth here with me And I love her, She loves me. I hug the Earth, the Earth hugs me. She’s our friend, We’d like to be together forever. The Earth is our garden It’s a beautiful place For all living creatures For all the human race, Helping Mother Earth We can peacefully roam, We all deserve a place We can call our home. Food is a treasure from soil and the sea. Clean fresh air from the plants and the trees The warmth of the sun giving life each day Turns water into rain, it’s nature’s way. And 1 would like to thank you, Mother Earth, I like to see you dressed in green and blue I want to be by you.