NATIONAL CONFERENCE of STATE LEGISLATURES The Forum for America’s Ideas Transforming Higher Education: The NCSL Blue Ribbon Commission
NATIONAL CONFERENCE of STATE LEGISLATURES The Forum for America’s Ideas NCSL Goals To improve the quality and effectiveness of state legislaturesTo improve the quality and effectiveness of state legislatures To foster interstate communication and cooperationTo foster interstate communication and cooperation To ensure legislatures a strong, cohesive voice in the federal systemTo ensure legislatures a strong, cohesive voice in the federal system
NATIONAL CONFERENCE of STATE LEGISLATURES The Forum for America’s Ideas Blue Ribbon Commission on Higher Education Bipartisan commission appointed in 2005 Generous support from the Lumina Foundation for Education Met over 18 months to: –Study higher ed performance –Challenges facing states, students, and institutions –Legislative role in both creating problems and leading to future solutions
NATIONAL CONFERENCE of STATE LEGISLATURES The Forum for America’s Ideas Commission's Report Released October 2006 Calls on legislators to: –Learn how past actions contributed to current problems –Make higher ed a priority –Rethink policy as part of economic development –Improve knowledge and information about issues and solutions –Take active steps to move state forward
NATIONAL CONFERENCE of STATE LEGISLATURES The Forum for America’s Ideas Report Context Knowledge-based economy U.S. falling behind Industrialized countries in higher education productivity Increasing focus on national and state commitment to higher education 2005 SHEEO National Commission on Accountability in Higher Education: Accountability for Better Results 2006 Spellings Commission Report: A Test of Leadership
NATIONAL CONFERENCE of STATE LEGISLATURES The Forum for America’s Ideas Follow-up Briefs Jan The Changing World of Higher Education: Is Your State Prepared? June 07 - Developing a Public Agenda for Higher Education June 07 - Improving Higher Education Performance and Productivity June 08 - Sticker Shock: What's Driving the Price of Higher Education? Sept Education Strategies to Meet Workforce Needs
NATIONAL CONFERENCE of STATE LEGISLATURES The Forum for America’s Ideas A Public Agenda for Higher Education Key recommendation from report Call to legislators to organize and lead discussions to develop and maintain a public agenda for higher education Defining common interest; articulating statewide goals; setting focus Framework for higher education policymaking Set clear goals and expectations for institutions
NATIONAL CONFERENCE of STATE LEGISLATURES The Forum for America’s Ideas Setting a Public Agenda ID state strengths and weaknesses Know demographic trends Determine structure to sustain agenda National Collaborative for Higher Education Policy recommendations –Appoint leadership group –Ground agenda in state needs –Complete policy audit –Meet with key stakeholders –Report back, finalize agenda, assign responsibilities
NATIONAL CONFERENCE of STATE LEGISLATURES The Forum for America’s Ideas State Example: West Virginia Vision 2020: An Education Blueprint for Two Thousand Twenty SB 595 (2008) Sen. Robert Plymale (BRC member) Focuses on the role of education in economic and workforce development Requires the State Board of Education, the Higher Education Policy Commission (HEPC) and the Council for Community and Technical College Education (CCTCE) to each develop a master plan to be approved by a legislative committee.
NATIONAL CONFERENCE of STATE LEGISLATURES The Forum for America’s Ideas Vision 2020 continued A list of objectives as the highest priorities for public higher education in West Virginia. –state-level facilities plan and funding mechanism –increasing the academic rigor of institutions, –improving degree completion rates, –recruiting more adults, –encouraging emphasis on STEM fields. Accountability system that will hold boards and institutions accountable for achieving their goals and objectives
NATIONAL CONFERENCE of STATE LEGISLATURES The Forum for America’s Ideas Vision 2020 continued Establishes geographic areas of responsibility for the state’s regional universities and community colleges (improve access for rural areas) Statewide report card to be created by the HEPC –Track program success and progress toward goals by geographic area –Will be utilized to inform education policy making
NATIONAL CONFERENCE of STATE LEGISLATURES The Forum for America’s Ideas Current National Context National higher education goals; lead the world by 2020/25 –Obama Administration –Lumina, Gates Foundations –NCHEMS, National Center Economic and budget crises in the states; budget gaps into FY 2012 (projected) Cuts to higher education almost universal among states; many times double digits (tuition hikes as backfill)
FY 2010 Highest Budget Gaps as a Percentage of General Fund Budget Rhode Island Delaware Source: NCSL survey of state legislative fiscal offices, April, June and July % to 9.9%, n = 5 1% to 4.9%, n = 5 Less than 1%, n = 1 More than 10% = 35 Not applicable or not reporting, n = 5 Puerto Rico
Projected Budget Gaps FY 2008 to FY 2012 Rhode Island Delaware Source: NCSL survey of state legislative fiscal offices, various years. *Includes Puerto Rico Projecting 3 years of budget gaps, n= 17 Projecting 4 years of budget gaps n,= 18* Puerto Rico Projecting 5 years of budget gaps n,= 4
NATIONAL CONFERENCE of STATE LEGISLATURES The Forum for America’s Ideas State Economic Climate The states are facing a "cliff" once ARRA funding ends. State governments will face severe budgetary problems at least months after the US recession ends. Lawmakers' endurance to resolve massive budget gaps will be tested in the coming years.
NATIONAL CONFERENCE of STATE LEGISLATURES The Forum for America’s Ideas Public Agenda in Time of Crisis 2009 year of panic; must be years of strategic investment Tuition hikes running out of political steam Public agenda important now more than before Institutional missions must be aligned with both state and national goals National Imperative - State Responsibility