ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use CCSDS SOIS Overview - Fall 2015 Martin Suess 07/10/2015
ESA Presentation | Martin Suess | 07/10/2015 | TEC-ED | Slide 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Spacecraft Onboard Interface Services (SOIS) Overview Area Director: Martin Suess (ESA) Replaces Chris Taylor Deputy Area Director: Rick Barton (NASA/JSC) There are three working groups active in SOIS Onboard Wireless Working Group Application Support Services Working Group Subnetwork services working group (approved by CESG pending conditions)
ESA Presentation | Martin Suess | 07/10/2015 | TEC-ED | Slide 3 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Onboard Wireless Working Group Organization: Significant changes in WG composition after spring meeting WG chair: Kevin Gifford (NASA) Replaces Jean Francois Dufour (ESA) has left the agency WG deputy chair Yuriy Sheynin (SUAI, RFSA) Replaces Richard Barton (JSC, NASA) now SOIS Deputy Area Director ESA Contributor Dirk Thurnes (ESTEC, ESA) Replaces J.F. Dufour as ESA participant to the WG
ESA Presentation | Martin Suess | 07/10/2015 | TEC-ED | Slide 4 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Application Support Services WG Organization: Significant changes in WG composition after spring meeting WG chair: Jonathan Wilmot (GSFC, NASA) Replaces Steward Fowell (Scisys, UKSA) WG deputy chair Richard Melvin (Scisys, UKSA) Replaces Ray Krosley (AFRL, USA) still participates as editor ESA Contributor Marek Prochazka (ESTEC, ESA) Replaces Felice Torelli (ESTEC, ESA)
ESA Presentation | Martin Suess | 07/10/2015 | TEC-ED | Slide 5 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Subnetwork Services WG Organization: Working group is reestablished (nominations pending approval) Candidate WG chair: Glenn Rakow (GSFC, NASA) Candidate WG deputy chair Marco Rovatti (ESTEC, ESA)
ESA Presentation | Martin Suess | 07/10/2015 | TEC-ED | Slide 6 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use SOIS On-line Strategic Plan The SOIS on-line strategic plan and goals have been revised by AD and DAD Updated plan reviewed by CESG Comments received from SLS CMC requires an annual review cycle of strategic plans The updated performed are rather clarifications than changes See:
ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use SOIS - Current and draft projects
ESA Presentation | Martin Suess | 07/10/2015 | TEC-ED | Slide 8 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Onboard Wireless Working Group Achievements since CCSDS spring Meeting Book completed agency review: CCSDS R-1, SOIS - RFID Tag Encoding Specification, blue book Ongoing work: Wireless Local Area Network, blue book Next planned work: SOIS - RFID Sensing Recommended Standard, blue book SOIS - RFID-Based Inventory Management Systems, magenta book
ESA Presentation | Martin Suess | 07/10/2015 | TEC-ED | Slide 9 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Application Support Services WG Achievements since CCSDS spring Meeting Book completed agency review: CCSDS R-1, SOIS --XML Specification for Electronic Data Sheets for Onboard Devices and Software Components, blue book Ongoing work: Specification for Dictionary of Terms for Electronic Data Sheets for Onboard Components, magenta book Electronic Data Sheets and Common Dictionary of Terms - Overview and Rationale, green book Next planned work: Spacecraft Onboard Interfaces Services User’s Guide, green book SAVOIR as a CCSDS Onboard Reference Architecture, orange book NASA core Flight System (cFS) as a CCSDS Onboard Reference Architecture, orange book
ESA Presentation | Martin Suess | 07/10/2015 | TEC-ED | Slide 10 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Subnetwork Services WG The subnetwork services WG is currently being reestablished Following recommendation by Onboard Deterministic Services BoF during spring 2015 meeting Subnetwork Services WG objectives: 1.Complete an overall review of the existing SOIS architecture and Magenta Books 2.Review existing deterministic protocols applicable for space 3.Perform a five-year review of SOIS Subnetwork Services Magenta Books to integrate deterministic subnetwork services 4.Perform mapping of Subnetwork Services Magenta books to data link protocols relevant to spacecraft onboard networks Planned work: SOIS Subnetwork Services - Mapping on Existing Data Link Protocols, green book SOIS Subnetwork Services - Subnetwork Deterministic Service, magenta book incl. 5 year review of SOIS subnetwork service magenta books
ESA Presentation | Martin Suess | 07/10/2015 | TEC-ED | Slide 11 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Subnetwork Services WG Poll Status Request to reestablish SUBNET WG has been submitted together with the concept paper and charter to CESG for poll The request has been approved with conditions posed by MOIMS AD, SEA AD, SIS AD, SIS DAD, SLS AD Agreement has to be reached on how to fulfil the conditions e.g. by updating charter or work program Following by CMC poll for approval of the new WG and program Finally CESG poll to appoint SUBNET WG chair and deputy chair
ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Back-up
ESA Presentation | Martin Suess | 07/10/2015 | TEC-ED | Slide 13 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Comment CSS AD - Erik Barkley Comments only: The green book appears to really be a magenta book ? It has a magenta-ish type schedule.
ESA Presentation | Martin Suess | 07/10/2015 | TEC-ED | Slide 14 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Condition MOIMS AD – Mario Merri Please explain and justify why you propose a Green Book for the Mapping on Existing Data Link Protocols.
ESA Presentation | Martin Suess | 07/10/2015 | TEC-ED | Slide 15 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Conditions SEA AD – Peter Shames After reading the charter and project description I am somewhat surprised that the "SOIS Subnetwork Services - Mapping on Existing Data Link Protocols" is proposed as a Green Book and not as a Utilization Profile Blue Book. As a Green Book it can just be descriptive. As a Utilization or Adaptation Profile Blue Book it could be normative, even if of a similar form to the RF & Mod BB, which is a "folio" style. Was this considered, and if not, why not? Also, I think you need to enter draft projects for the review of the various Subnetwork Service Magenta Books. These are completely distinct from the new Subnetwork Deterministic Service.
ESA Presentation | Martin Suess | 07/10/2015 | TEC-ED | Slide 16 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Conditions SIS AD – Keith Scott | SOIS Subnetwork WG Charter Comments | CONDITIONS ========== The group proposes the review 5 SOIS Subnetwork Services Magenta Books, then says: "The outcome of the review process may result in the addition of new book(s) and, or deletion of existing book(s), as well as updates to existing books." Can we not have a completely open-scope request? Could this be worded as, e.g.: "The outcome of the review process may result in reconfirmation, updating, or retiring of the books listed. If additional books are needed, the WG will submit a charter modification request to produce them." This still leaves open a huge hole in 'updating' (which, for 5 books, could be a lot of work) but I would be much more comfortable with it than the current text (and I would think the CMC would, as well). COMMENTS ======== SIS is interested in coordinating with the SUBNETWORK WG, as we see the onboard networks as the 'first-mile / last-mile' carrier for end-to-end services using IP or BP. We (SIS) will probably need specifications for how to carry BP over the various subnetwork data links the SUBNET WG favors, e.g.
ESA Presentation | Martin Suess | 07/10/2015 | TEC-ED | Slide 17 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Conditions SIS AD - Keith Scott cont | Mapping Book | CONDITIONS ========== You propose a green book, but have schedule dates as if it were Magenta? If these mappings exist or can be defined, wouldn't standardizing them (maybe even in a Blue Book) be beneficial? What's the rationale for this being a Green Book? Without some sort of normative book describing the mappings, users are still free to do whatever they want, so what's the utility of this (as a Green Book)? I'm voting 'approve with conditions' because I'd like to get a notion for the answer as to what the benefit of a Green Book for this is. Not that there's not utility to it, but in the context of CCSDS and in particular ensuring interoperability, I don't see it | Subnetwork Deterministic Service | CONDITIONS ========== What is the rationale for this not being a Blue Book? It's proposed as a 'best practice' but in the description admits that deterministic services are not currently part of CCSDS. If we're going to define this, why not define a Recommended Standard?
ESA Presentation | Martin Suess | 07/10/2015 | TEC-ED | Slide 18 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Conditions SIS DAD – Tomaso de Cola 1) Reading the charter, it is not clear what the nature of the mapping to existing datalink layers is. It is stated that such a mapping will be reported in a green book, but I would have expected to see such a mapping in a blue book instead. Clarifications or further details (in the charter) could help better understand the scope of this activity/book. 2)Since review of existing books is part of the activity, I would expect to see the corresponding projects.
ESA Presentation | Martin Suess | 07/10/2015 | TEC-ED | Slide 19 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Conditions SLS AD - Gian Paolo Calzolari Concept paper is missing in the poll but it was distributed to CESG via mail I have therefore checked the WinWord doc named "Draft SUBNET WG Concept Paper rev.1.0.docx" The Concept paper does not mention the books to review as part of the Tentative work plan. It looks good - for the eventual CMC Poll - to mention withing the Tentative work plan the books for which review is due remarking that relevant CWE Projects will be created and submitted for approval as required in case any iof those books is not reconfirmed Charter - Scope of the Actvity - First paragraph: Suggest deleting it. It says > and it does not appear relevant within CCSDS. Scope of the Activity - Fourth paragraph: Suggest change from > to > Scope of the Activity - General: Goals a and b may be moved as they seem to better describe the scope of the activity than a real goal. See also following comment(s).
ESA Presentation | Martin Suess | 07/10/2015 | TEC-ED | Slide 20 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Conditions SLS AD - Gian Paolo Calzolari Rationale for Activity - Last paragraph: Suggest change from > to > Goals - General: I have the impression that some of the goals should rather be moved under the SCOPE section leaving among the goals only the goals really "measurable" by the production of a book. Generally I suggest a 1:1 match between goals and books, but clearly this is just my preference. Goals a & b: These two goals are more activities to be done to achieve the other goals (e.g. the Magenta book and the Green Book) than really measurable goals. Suggest moving them to Scope of the activity or include the text as descriptive part of goal c (Magenta Book). Goals d: Suggest to complete GOAL d) stating that relevant CWE Projects will be created and submitted for approval as required. Goals e & f: Both goals aim at producing the SOIS Subnetwork Services Green Book. I suggest merging them in a single goal with appropriate description. Goals g: Interoperability testing is required for Blue Books and not for Magenta Books. See question below for Magenta Book Project. This goal should be deleted if the WG develops a Magenta Book or made mandatory if the WG develops a Blue Book.
ESA Presentation | Martin Suess | 07/10/2015 | TEC-ED | Slide 21 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Conditions SLS AD - Gian Paolo Calzolari Project 1 - Green Book - SOIS Subnetwork Services - Mapping on Existing Data Link Protocols No special comment. Project 2 - Magenta Book - SOIS Subnetwork Services - Subnetwork Deterministic Service Remove from Description of the document the text stating > This is not giving a Description of the Document but is rather part of Charter Goal "d". Prototype resources apply only to Recommended Standards. Nevertheless there are two prototypes foreseen. Why? Should this rather be a blue book? To be clarified.