The purpose of this meeting is to provide you with some details regarding the Sat tests in May.
Sat’s Tests Sat week begins Monday 11 th May It is essential each child attends in the weeks leading up to and on the actual week of the tests. Results are given to the High school your child will be attending. Results will be given with the parental annual report in July.
Sat week timetable Monday 11 May English reading test Tuesday 12 May English grammar, punctuation and spelling test Wednesday 13 May: Mental mathematics test Mathematics Paper 1 Thursday 14 May : Mathematics Paper 2
Levels The tests are designed for children working at levels 3, 4, 5 Levels are sub graded by letter moving upwards from 3c,3b.3a,4c,4b,4a,5c,5b,5a. The government state that a child should achieve a level 4b in their test. This level gives the child the skills to access all curriculum areas in High School and give them a good chance of achieving a C grade or above in their GCSE’s. Levels are being replaced next year to numbers!
Reading 1 written test Level 3 -5 I hour long Last year 3 texts beginning with an easier text and becoming more difficult. Preparation Class currently working on Sat papers for their guided read sessions Replacing home reading books for comprehension books. To read and answer text orally(or written if preferred) 3 x each week.
Maths 2 x 45 minute written tests No calculator allowed 1 x 20 question mental maths test Preparation Class working on Sat type questions after each topic Children should be using their study book and BBC bitesize to work on areas they find difficult Continue practising times tables- essential
SPaG 1 grammar test 1 x 20 question spelling test Scores will be added together to give a SPaG level. Scores will be added to reading score to give an overall English level. Preparation Keep asking children questions from the SPaG list given to them in January Online activities
Writing Writing is assessed throughout the year by class teacher Moderation meetings to ensure levelling is accurate Final level to be sent to county at end of May
Homework Monday - SPAG ( hand in on Thursday) Tuesday - Spellings (test on following Tuesday) Wednesday- Maths (hand in on Monday) Thursday- Friday - Spellings (test on following Friday) Your child has their own times table target which they need to practise on a regular basis ( tests will take place 3 times each week) Please check your child’s homework before they bring it back to make sure it is fully completed and of a good standard. This allows us to get through the huge workload rather than asking children to do or redo homework.
Tips Keep up with clubs- children need a release from work Enough sleep! Ensure children eat breakfast and bring in a snack/drink for break A little revision each night using BBC bitesize is better than a lot on 1 night! Keep reminding them that they just need to try their best but it needs to be their best
Thank you Many thanks for attending. Any questions?