Concept Map of Egypt Egypt and river Nil Culture Record holders Literature Contact
Map of Egypt Area of Egypt is square kilometres. Egypt has got people. Population density of Egypt is 63 people / kilometer. The capital city is Kaira. Kaira has got people. Besides cities are: Alexandria, Giza and Mahalla-al Kubra.
Egypt and river Níl Egypt was parted this way on: Upper Egypt – south part between Mennofer (Memfis) and Mediterranean sea. Lower Egypt – part country between Mennofer and Asuán. Nil is 6671 kilometres long (on zone of Egypt Nil has got 1600 kilometres)
Egypt and river Níl (picture) This is picture about Egypt, river Níl and city in old Egypt.
Culture Egypt has very developed culture. Very developed are the art of making statues and painting. Olds Egyptians believed,than exist a lot of godhoods.
Records holders The longest river is Nil. The highest hill is Džebel Katherina ( 2637 m ). The lowest place is Cattar´s depression (133 m deep ).
Construction of pyramid The biggest pyramid you see in Giza,on suburb of Kaira. They were constructed Old Egyptians for their crowns. In Egypt was maintein lots of pyramid. There are some pictures from pyramids and buildings :
Literature I used this literature : Encyklopedia Old Egyptians - book Internet
Contact Janka Kašparková Zš s Mš Sp Sobota