Wind Energy Energy – It’s Everywhere!
2 Wind Power Wind is caused by the uneven heating of the different surfaces on Earth along with other forces such as the earth’s rotation.
3 Sails The clipper ships of the 1800’s were the fastest commercial ships under sail. Sails were used as early as 3500 BC on The Nile.
4 Modern Sails Experimental designs Rigid sails. Inflatable “kite” sails can assist conventional engines.
5 Windmills An early Persian vertical axis windmill using sails. Classic European Windmill. Traditional Farm Windmill.
6 Wind Turbines Various wind turbine designs. Wind farm
7 Wind Energy in the U.S.
8 Wind vs. Water Power Advantage - water power requires a river, lake, etc. Wind is found everywhere. Disadvantages – the wind changes in speed. Power can only be generated when the wind is blowing within effective and safe limits. A method of storing excess power for moments of no (or too much) wind is required.