What is your definition of Islam? There is no God but Allah the belief in angels as messengers of Allah only the Quran is totally trusted by Muslims. Islam.


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Presentation transcript:

What is your definition of Islam? There is no God but Allah the belief in angels as messengers of Allah only the Quran is totally trusted by Muslims. Islam also holds a strong belief in the prophets, Mohammed

5 observances that all Muslims follow: “There is no God but Allah, and Mohammed is the prophet of Allah.” The ritual prayers performed five times a day facing Mecca. offering 1/40 of their income for the needy. Their observance of Ramadan where they fast during the daylight hours. Their pilgrimage to Mecca required of all Muslims before death

History of Saudi Arabia Established in 1932 Helped provide oil to the Allies during WWII Capital is Mecca – Birthplace of Muhammad (Islamic Prophet) All Muslims pray toward Mecca 5 times a day

Soviet Union invade Afghanistan War lasts from US supplies the Afghan government with weapons to fight the Soviets Foreign extremists flock to Afghanistan to wage jihad against foreign athiests Led by a young Saudi named Osama Bin Laden

Persian Gulf War Iraq led by Saddam Hussein invades its neighboring country of Kuwait The U.S. aids Kuwait and defeating Iraq However, many Islamic Extremists became enraged with the U.S. for establishing bases in Saudi Arabia (Holy Land)

Sept. 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks Terrorists: Al-Qaeda: - terrorist org. responsible for the attacks. (19 hijackers) Osama Bin Laden - Head of Al-Qaeda, leader of the 9/11 attacks. Khalid Shaik Mohammed – mastermind behind the attacks. (presented to Bin Laden in 1996)

Flight Paths

The Flights American Airlines 11: – Boston to L.A. 92 passengers 1 st to hit WTC (North). 8:47am. 10:28

World Trade Center Towers being hit

United 175: Boston to L.A. 2 nd to Hit the WTC (South). 9:02 9:50 64 passengers

United flight 175

American Airlines 77 Washington to L.A. Hits the 9:41am 129 Passengers on board

American Airlines 77 crashing into the Pentagon

Damage to the Pentagon

United 93 Newark, NJ to SF Shanksville, Pa (10:00am) Probable targets were Capital Building or White House 44 passengers

Flight 93 crash site

Casualties 2,977 total (not including 19 hijackers) 2,608 in NYC (24 remain missing) 125 killed at the pentagon 44 killed on flight 93 in Shanksville Youngest victim was 2 years old.

The Clean Up Approx. 1,640,707 tons of debris were hauled away in 108,342 truckloads. More than 3.1-million hours of labor were required to finish the job. 8 months and 19 days to finish the clean up

“Freedom Tower” –WTC ft. tall (The tallest building in the U.S.)

POOLS South Pool - First Responders (441 names), WTC (695 names), Flight 93 (40 names), Flight 77 (59 names), Pentagon (125 names), Flight 175 (60 names) North Pool - WTC North ( 1470 names), February 26, 1993 (6 names), Flight 11 (87 names)


SURVIVOR TREE - Planted at the original WTC it survived the attack and was found as a 8 foot stump at Ground Zero. It was re planted in a park in NYC and nursed back to a 30 ft. tree. In March 2010 it was uprooted by severe storms but true to its name it survived. December 2010 it was returned to WTC site