United Nations Statistical Commission CensusInfo Learning Centre, 22 February 2010 CensusInfo Project in the Context of the 2010 World Population and Housing Census Programme
United Nations Statistical Commission CensusInfo Learning Centre, 22 February 2010 Overview of Presentation 2010 World Population and Housing Census Programme What is CensusInfo Main features of CensusInfo How to manage process to define census indicators Proposed indicators for CensusInfo Reports from CensusInfo Activities to assist implementation of CensusInfo Global CensusInfo
United Nations Statistical Commission CensusInfo Learning Centre, 22 February World Population & Housing Census Programme Approved by the Statistical Commission at its 36 th session in 2005 and adopted by the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) by its resolution A/2005/13. Recognize population and housing censuses as one of the main sources of data for effective development planning and objective decision-making.
United Nations Statistical Commission CensusInfo Learning Centre, 22 February World Population & Housing Census Programme Three essential goals are: 1.To agree on international principles and recommendations to conduct a census 2.To facilitate countries in conducting census at least once during the period To assist countries to disseminate census results in a timely manner
United Nations Statistical Commission CensusInfo Learning Centre, 22 February 2010 What is CensusInfo ? Developed by UNSD in partnership with UNICEF and UNFPA to disseminate census results Officially launched in February 2009 at the 40 th session of the Statistical Commission Available on-line for free
United Nations Statistical Commission CensusInfo Learning Centre, 22 February 2010 Main features of CensusInfo a tool to disseminate population and housing census results on the web and on CD-ROM presents indicators with map and graph facilities by date of census and different geographic levels, from regions to small geographic area includes census topics and a suggested list of census indicators with accompanying metadata customized to meet country-specific census indicators generates user-defined tables, graphs, maps and reports import data from other software applications
United Nations Statistical Commission CensusInfo Learning Centre, 22 February 2010 How to manage process to define census indicators Define indicators by taking into account: Main results of the census on the smallest geographical level considering national priorities and international comparability Monitoring indicators of international, national and sub- national development programs Needs of the related national organizations and principal users (e.g. ministries, state planning office, local authorities, private sector organizations…)
United Nations Statistical Commission CensusInfo Learning Centre, 22 February 2010 How to manage process to define census indicators Organization of work: Teamwork is necessary for well-designed census indicators Demographers and other subject-matter specialists on education, labor force, disability, housing characteristics etc. should be involved in this process The work should be organized by covering the results of all available censuses to provide time series information
United Nations Statistical Commission CensusInfo Learning Centre, 22 February 2010 How to manage process to define census indicators Data analysis and quality: Data quality, coverage should be checked before dissemination, for example by comparing to the results of other sources (household surveys/administrative registers) and/or previous censuses In case of coverage or quality problem, alternative methods (indirect techniques, some adjustment) can be used to estimate concerned indicators
United Nations Statistical Commission CensusInfo Learning Centre, 22 February 2010 Proposed indicators for CensusInfo In order to help countries in setting up their own national indicators Census indicators with accompanying metadata are derived from the core topics given in “United Nations Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Census, Rev 2.” by UNSD Proposed indicators should be disseminated on regions, provinces, administrative units and by sex
United Nations Statistical Commission CensusInfo Learning Centre, 22 February 2010 Census Topics
United Nations Statistical Commission CensusInfo Learning Centre, 22 February 2010 Metadata for the indicators Metadata includes descriptive information about the data/indicators Categories: Definition Classification Method of computation Geographical breakdown Comments and limitations
United Nations Statistical Commission CensusInfo Learning Centre, 22 February 2010 Reports from CensusInfo Report to replicate standard census table reports for different areas and time periods Advanced reports to present tables, maps and graphs by geographic units to present the findings of census results by geographical units
United Nations Statistical Commission CensusInfo Learning Centre, 22 February 2010
United Nations Statistical Commission CensusInfo Learning Centre, 22 February 2010 Thank You!
United Nations Statistical Commission CensusInfo Learning Centre, 22 February 2010
United Nations Statistical Commission CensusInfo Learning Centre, 22 February 2010
United Nations Statistical Commission CensusInfo Learning Centre, 22 February 2010
United Nations Statistical Commission CensusInfo Learning Centre, 22 February 2010
United Nations Statistical Commission CensusInfo Learning Centre, 22 February 2010 Activities to assist implementation of CensusInfo Regional workshops and in-house training to enhance the national capacity on application of CensusInfo CARICOM Countries in Guyana, October 2009 English speaking African countries in Mozambique, November 2009 French speaking African countries in Mali, 30 November-3 December 2009 Two national trainings in Liberia and Mozambique In 2010, regional workshops and national trainings on application of CensusInfo Technical guidelines on census data dissemination and analysis CensusInfo website to reach the useful documents on-line
United Nations Statistical Commission CensusInfo Learning Centre, 22 February 2010 CensusInfo website Census topics and a suggested census indicators with accompanying metadata Manuals, materials of regional workshops, technical support, National applications Global CensusInfo Available at /2010_PHC/CensusInfo/index.htm
United Nations Statistical Commission CensusInfo Learning Centre, 22 February 2010 CensusInfo website
United Nations Statistical Commission CensusInfo Learning Centre, 22 February 2010 CensusInfo website
United Nations Statistical Commission CensusInfo Learning Centre, 22 February 2010 Global CensusInfo Disseminates census indicators by country with map and graph facilities Initially contains basic results of 2000 round of census results More indicators gradually will be added with 2010 round census results
United Nations Statistical Commission CensusInfo Learning Centre, 22 February 2010
United Nations Statistical Commission CensusInfo Learning Centre, 22 February 2010
United Nations Statistical Commission CensusInfo Learning Centre, 22 February 2010 Thank You