Starter 1 What do you think this cartoon is trying to show? KCo
OBJECTIVES: 1.To understand that the earth’s population is increasing and to be able to explain why. 2.To define birth rate, death rate and natural increase 3.To identify factors that affect population change OBJECTIVES: 1.To understand that the earth’s population is increasing and to be able to explain why. 2.To define birth rate, death rate and natural increase 3.To identify factors that affect population change
KCo What is the population of the world? Jot down your answer in the back of your book What is the population of the world? Jot down your answer in the back of your book How accurate were you? World Population clock Weblink
At present the world's population is growing quickly, though this has not always been the case. Until the 1800s the world's population grew slowly for thousands of years. In 1820 the world's population reached one billion. In the early 1970s, the world's population reached three billion. In 1999, less than 30 years later, the population doubled to six billion (population explosion) The global rate of population growth is now one billion every 15 years. The graph shows this pattern of accelerating growth (including the predicted population for 2025). At present the world's population is growing quickly, though this has not always been the case. Until the 1800s the world's population grew slowly for thousands of years. In 1820 the world's population reached one billion. In the early 1970s, the world's population reached three billion. In 1999, less than 30 years later, the population doubled to six billion (population explosion) The global rate of population growth is now one billion every 15 years. The graph shows this pattern of accelerating growth (including the predicted population for 2025). KCo Skills task: How would you describe this graph showing world population growth? State the trend/ pattern (increase/ decrease/remains steady) Highest and lowest figures Quote figures to support key ideas Skills task: How would you describe this graph showing world population growth? State the trend/ pattern (increase/ decrease/remains steady) Highest and lowest figures Quote figures to support key ideas
What does this graph suggest about the growth in the world population? What are developed and developing countries? Why do you think there is such a difference between them in terms of population growth? What does this graph suggest about the growth in the world population? What are developed and developing countries? Why do you think there is such a difference between them in terms of population growth? KCo
Population change depends mainly upon the balance between: Birth rate Death rate Migration Birth rate- the number of live babies born in a year for every 1000 people in the total population, e.g. 25/1000 Death rate- the number of deaths each year per 1000 people in the total population Natural increase- the difference between the birth rate and death rate Birth rate – death rate = natural increase Record these key terms and equations in your exercise book.
KCo How do these factors affect the total population?
KCo THE POPULATION CLOCK TIME UNITBIRTHSDEATHSNATURAL INCREASE YEAR 128,746,122 55,660,74673,085,376 MONTH10,728,8444,638,3966,090,448 DAY352,729152,495200,234 HOUR14,6976,3548,343 MINUTE SECOND How many births are there in 5 seconds?. How many deaths are there in 5 minutes? By how much does the population change in 2 days? How many births are there in 5 seconds?. How many deaths are there in 5 minutes? By how much does the population change in 2 days? World Population Clock
KCo Activity Can you think of some times and numbers that you are familiar with? Use your times and the figures from the previous table to describe 2 ideas. e.g. It takes me 13 seconds to run 100 metres. In that time there would be an extra 53 births. Can you think of some times and numbers that you are familiar with? Use your times and the figures from the previous table to describe 2 ideas. e.g. It takes me 13 seconds to run 100 metres. In that time there would be an extra 53 births.
KCo CountryBirth rate per 1000 Death rate per 1000 Natural increase per 1000 Bangladesh Brazil268 France133 UK122 Mexico275 India3121 Japan124 Copy and complete the table above using the notes you made earlier to help you with equations. What do you notice about the countries? Copy and complete the table above using the notes you made earlier to help you with equations. What do you notice about the countries? Activity
KCo CountryBirth rate per 1000 Death rate per 1000 Natural increase per 1000 Bangladesh Brazil268 France133 UK122 Mexico275 India3121 Japan124 Copy and complete the table above using the notes you made earlier to help you with equations. What do you notice about the countries? Copy and complete the table above using the notes you made earlier to help you with equations. What do you notice about the countries? Activity
KCo How do these figures link to the graph we saw earlier?
Extension Watch the newsbite about the world’s population reaching 7 billion people Watch the BBC clip about the world population reaching 7 billion people and what is predicted for the future. Watch the newsbite about the world’s population reaching 7 billion people Watch the BBC clip about the world population reaching 7 billion people and what is predicted for the future. KCo
Activities Connections pages new edition (70-71 old edition). Complete the ‘extras’ activities. Connections pages new edition (70-71 old edition). Complete the ‘extras’ activities.
KCo Population growth has not been even throughout the world. The fastest growth has been in the poorer, less economically developed countries. There is very slow growth in the richer, more economically developed countries. Why do LEDCs have higher birth rates? Why do MEDCs have lower death rates? Why do LEDCs have higher birth rates? Why do MEDCs have lower death rates?
KCo PLENARY With so many people on the planet what problems could we face?
Homework KCo Population Change Investigation Use the BBC website to investigate population change and complete the questions on the sheet Population Change Investigation Use the BBC website to investigate population change and complete the questions on the sheet