Course Overview for Compilers J. H. Wang Sep. 14, 2015
Compilers, Fall 2015CSIE, NTUT2 Instructor and TA Instructor –J. H. Wang ( 王正豪 ) –Associate Professor, CSIE, NTUT –Office: R1534, Technology Building, NTUT – –Tel: (02) ext –Office Hours: 9:10-12:00 on Wednesdays and Thursdays TA –(TBD) R1424, WIRL Lab.)
Compilers, Fall 2015CSIE, NTUT3 Course Description Time: 1:10-3:00pm, Tue., 2:10-3:00pm, Wed. Classroom: R527, Sixth Teaching Building Textbook: –Charles N. Fischer, Ron K. Cytron, and Richard J. LeBlanc Jr., Crafting a Compiler, Global Edition, Pearson Education, Inc., ( 開發圖書 ) Crafting a Compiler References: –Alfred V. Aho, Monica S. Lam, Ravi Sethi, and Jeffrey D. Ullman, Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools, 2nd ed., Addison-Wesley, ( 台北圖書 ) (a.k.a ‘The Dragon Book’) Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools, 2nd ed. –Crafting a Compiler with C, by Charles N. Fischer and Richard J. LeBlanc Jr., Addison-Wesley, –Engineering a Compiler, 2nd ed., by Keith D. Cooper and Linda Torczon, Morgan Kaufmann, 2011
Compilers, Fall 2015CSIE, NTUT4 Intended Audience An introductory course of compilers for undergraduates –For juniors & seniors Prerequisite –Basic knowledge of data structures and discrete mathematics –Programming experience is *required* for completing programming exercises and projects
Compilers, Fall 2015CSIE, NTUT5 Additional References More information – Course Web page – r/ r/
Compilers, Fall 2015CSIE, NTUT6 Teaching Lectures: mostly in slides, partly on the blackboard Homework assignments: about 3 assignments Programming exercises: about 2 exercises –Assignments should be turned in within two weeks Exams: 1 midterm exam (no final exam) Projects: 1 term project
Compilers, Fall 2015CSIE, NTUT7 Grading Policy Homework assignments and programming exercises: ~40% Mid-term exam: ~30% Term project: ~30% –Including proposal, presentation, and final report
Compilers, Fall 2015CSIE, NTUT8 Programming Exercises and Final Project At least two programming exercises –Team-based (at most 2 students per team) –Writing your own code or reusing existing open source code would be fine –Topics: (more on this later…) One final project –Either team-based (at most 4 students per team) –Or compiler-related academic paper presentation would be another possible option But, your should do it on your own (only 1 person), NOT team-based –A proposal is needed one week after midterm (Nov. 23, 2015) Introduction, methods used, experiment designs
Compilers, Fall 2015CSIE, NTUT9 Major Topics Lexical Analysis: scanning Syntax Analysis: parsing Code Generation Optimization
Compilers, Fall 2015CSIE, NTUT10 Organization of the Textbook I. Basic Part: (Chap. 1-9 will mostly be covered) –Course Overview (1 wk) –Design of a Simple Compiler (1 wk) –Theory and Practice of Scanning (2 wks) –Formal Grammars and Parsing (2 wks) –Top-Down Parsing (2 wks) –Bottom-Up Parsing (3 wks) –Syntax-Directed Compilation (2 wks) –Declaration Processing and Symbol Tables (2 wks) –Semantic Analysis (2 wks) II. Advanced Part: (will be skipped) –Intermediate Representations –Code Synthesis for Virtual Machines –Runtime Support –Target Code Generation –Program Analysis and Optimization
Compilers, Fall 2015CSIE, NTUT11 Tentative Schedule Before midterm –Chap. 1, Overview (1 wk) –Chap. 2, Design of a Simple Compiler (1 wk) –Chap. 3, Theory and Practice of Scanning(2 wks) –Chap. 4, Formal Grammars and Parsing (2 wks) –Chap. 5, Top-Down Parsing (2 wks) Before term project –Chap. 6, Bottom-Up Parsing (3 wks) –Chap. 7, Syntax-Directed Compilation (2 wks) –Chap. 8, Declaration Processing and Symbol Tables (2 wks) –Chap. 9, Semantic Analysis (2 wks) –Term Project Presentation (2-3 wks)
Compilers, Fall 2015CSIE, NTUT12 Programming Exercises Lexical analyzer –Using scanner generator such as lex, flex Parser –Using parser generator such as yacc, bison (Details to be announced on the homepage…)
Compilers, Fall 2015CSIE, NTUT13 Possible Topics for Term Project Design and implement a new language or syntax (for programming, human languages, for describing elements in game, or any other purposes) –Lexical analysis –Syntax analysis –Code generation –Optional: optimization
Compilers, Fall 2015CSIE, NTUT14 Why do we Learn Compilers? Parsing and converting documents in different formats (HTML, XML, JSON) Parsing network protocols and answering requests in servers Parsing SQL query results from databases and generating reports Printing or previewing PostScript or PDF files in printers Parsing contents and filtering spam Converting hardware specification description into electric circuit layouts Designing new computer architectures …
Compilers, Fall 2015CSIE, NTUT15 Thanks for Your Attention! Any question or comment?