Charkiba Robinson and Makayla Bacon
Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Carnivora Family: Felidae Genus: Panthera Species: Leo
Multicellular Eukaryotic No cell wall Catches live prey Carnivores Diet: wildebeest, zebra, wild hogs, buffalo, giraffe, and smaller animals. Lions have attacked larger animals when food is not plentiful Size: Height: 4ft (males) Length: 5-8 ft.(males) Weight: lbs.(males)
Reproduction: Sexually Females: 4 years old when they start to reproduce Males:4-5 years old when they start to reproduce Females reproduce every two years Females reproduce 1 to 4 cubs Environmental role: Apex predators Regulates populations of mammals
Both female and male lions roar The roars can be heard over five miles away. Lions can run a top speed of 50 mph(short distance). A pride consists of about 15 lions.
Kingdom: Protista Phylum: Chlorophyta Class:Ulvophyceae Order:Dasycladates Family: Polyphsaceae Genus: Acetabularia Species: Caliculus