Read the section on page 809. What are “crimes against humanity?” What are the Nuremburg Trials? In what other place(s) were trials held?
The Axis countries lost all of the lands that they had conquered in the war. Who were the two largest world powers following World War 2? The United States & The Soviet Union
What does the quote above mean? What happens when your common enemy is defeated?
The Iron Curtain stands for several different things; most importantly though, the Iron Curtain refers to the separation of Europe into ‘eastern’ and ‘western’ blocs (sections). It was also a symbol for the Cold War
Why was Germany divided? Soviet Union feared a strong Germany. Western Allies wanted to rebuild Europe Industry Democratic Governments Germany and the capital of Berlin were split. Allies controlled West Germany Soviet Union controlled East Germany Berlin was also split between the sides in the same way.
-What do you notice about Berlin’s location? -What problems could that cause? -Read the section on pg. 812 and answer the questions on the Berlin Airlift. -
Work with your team to develop a presentation for the class. Each group will present information on their organization so that their classmates can learn about their organization.
The United States and Allied Nations wanted to promote Democracy in Europe, Japan and around the Globe. This included creating constitutions that secure citizens rights. Free, Fair, and Open Elections
General Douglas Macarthur, who served as Supreme Allied Commander in the Pacific for World War II, oversaw the reconstruction efforts in Japan. Japan’s offensive military capabilities were removed The U.S. guaranteed their security. Japan and West Germany both developed dominant economies in their regions.