Beginning Activities Title today’s lesson: The Cold War Begins/Containment Notes Activity: T-Chart comparing Capitalism and Communism Mission Statement: To prepare you for a life of responsible citizenship Daily Expectations: – No one leaves once class has begun. – Come in quietly and get to work immediately – Pay attention and be respectful – No phones – No food or drinks other than water – Do your work – Give AP quality effort 5 bonus points for supplies
Extra Credit 5 points each 6 weeks for bringing supplies: – Paper clips – Pens – Paper – Staples – Tape
The Cold War Begins/Containment Chapter 28 The Onset of the Cold War
Iron Curtain The U.S. wanted democracy in Europe, and the Soviets wanted protection from invasion. The other Allies and Russia split occupied Germany. Both sides wanted to spread their ideology. The Allies believed that the Soviets were out for communist world domination.
Withholding Economic Aid Devastation of Russia required outside aid. After the war, America stopped sending aid because of ideological differences. Russia had to get reparations from its occupied territory in Europe and Asia. The refusal to lend aid convinced Stalin of American antagonism.
The Atomic Dilemma America wanted to protect its monopoly on the atomic bomb following the war. Russia wanted to neutralize the America advantage. Neither side would agree. This uneasy tension created the Cold War.
Truman Doctrine & Marshall Plan The Greek government was in a civil war against communists. Pres. Truman responded with the Truman Doctrine. – America would contain communism to Eastern Europe. To stop communist from exploiting economic problems in western Europe, Sec. of State Marshall proposed the Marshall Plan – America would financially support the rebuilding of western Europe.
NATO & Berlin Airlift The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) – Grew out of European fears of Russian aggression – U.S.; 10 European countries; and Canada – Signed on April 4, 1949 – Defense of Europe by U.S. troops & atomic bombs Berlin Blockade – Berlin was located in East Germany, but it was divided by Soviets and Allies. – From June 1948 to April 1949, the Allies airlifted supplies into West Berlin, showing America’s commitment to freedom and democracy.
Ending Activity Map Activity: Iron Curtain & Marshall Plan Make sure the floor is clean Connect to our objectives: How does this prepare you for life and the future?