2 National Development Plan Vision 2 Create opportunities for the development and enabling women to expand choices and build their capacities. Empower young people and help them overcome the social challenges and enable them to actively participate in building a free and civilized society under the rule of law and institutions on the basis of freedom and dignity as Iraqi citizens. Empower vulnerable groups and provide them with alternative opportunities to be able to integrate into the community and provide the necessary care to help them to play positive roles in the development process.
3 UNDAF Priority Area 5 Outcomes : Investment in human capital and empowerment of women, youth and children Outcome 1: The Iraqi state has improved knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding the roles and rights of women, youth and children in line with international conventions, the Iraqi constitution and legislation Outcome 2: Women and young people actively participate in political, social and economic development processes in Iraq Outcome 3: Government of Iraq has institutionalized policies, strategies, plans and budgets responsive to gender, youth and children at national and sub-national levels Outcome 4: The Iraqi state has institutionalized participatory evidence-based monitoring and reporting mechanisms involving women, youth and children at national and sub-national levels Outcome 5: The Iraqi State has institutionalized preventive and protective mechanisms to combat gender-based violence 3
4 Human Capital PWG Co-Chairs and Members Government Co-Chairs: Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs Ministry of Youth and Sports Government Members: State Ministry for Parliamentary Affairs, Ministry of Human Rights, State Ministry of Women Affairs, Ministry of Planning, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health, Human Rights Council, Childhood Council, KRG Ministry of Planning, KRG Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs UN Co-Chairs: UN-WOMEN UNICEF UN Members: UNDP, UNDP, UNESCO, UNFPA, UNICEF, UN WOMEN, ILO, IOM, WHO, FAO NGO Members To be identified
5 Key Achievements During Improved knowledge, attitudes and practices Advocacy campaigns on gender mainstreaming and human rights launched focusing on the importance of education especially for girls’ & women and empowerment of local communities Report on Iraq Knowledge Network survey including gender disaggregated data Violence Against Children report completed National Strategy for the Advancement of Women in Iraq in progress
6 Key Achievements During 2011 … cont’d 6 Active participation political, social and economic development processes Journalists & academics trained on human rights protection) Capacity building and consultations activities with Community leaders, families, teachers, and peer educators are better able to promote utilization of youth friendly health services
7 Key Achievements During 2011 …cont’d 7 Institutionalize d policies, strategies, plans and budgets responsive to gender, youth and children National strategy on Combating VAW, developed, led by GoI, CSOs, religious leaders and councils Regional guidelines on physical activity adapted to national needs and priorities completed Family protection law drafted Process Participatory Child Protection Policy in progress to be completed in 2012; Child Protection Law draft completed and Parliamentarian committees in place Education Strategy under progress and officially endorsed by MoE; Continued strengthening of the Education Management Information System (EMIS) First draft of the National Nutrition Strategy Reproductive Health / MCH strategy drafted and reviewed The Iraqi international CODE for breast milk substitute drafted and submitted for endorsement by MOH. Several Governorate Water & Sanitation, Waste Master Plans completed; functional review of Water & Sanitation Sector completed.
8 Key Achievements During 2011 …cont’d 8 Institutionali zed participatory evidence- based monitoring and reporting mechanisms Government Analysis Team for Children issues with an Equity focused established (GoI, Academia and CSO endorsed organization, structure and function) Children Multidimensional Analysis framework completed and reviewed by national, regional and international experts. Iraq 2011 Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, round 4 (MICS4) completed data collection and processing and preliminary findings to be launched at the end of this year. Work in progress towards a data collection system on VAW
9 9 9 Institutional ized preventive and protective mechanism s to combat gender- based violence Number of secondary school teachers trained on providing life and social skills including harmful effect of VAW on families and women. 467 beneficiaries have received training and toolkits for start-up of micro-enterprises of which 248 youth have received skills training (evaluation on how many have started business or achieved employment has not yet started) 24 small enterprises are being supported through rehabilitation and provision of equipment. Media campaigns addressing gender based violence (GBV). Key Achievements During 2011 …cont’d
10 Programmatic & Operational Considerations UN Need for increased engagement from UN agencies in work of PWG Youth sub-PWG to be established On-going security challenges limit access to counterparts and information, and increase cost of programme delivery Resource mobilization Field monitoring especially in Centre and South
11 Programmatic and Operational Considerations … Cont’d GoI More government engagement in work of PWG and at programme level, including line ministries Intra-ministerial communication and coordination Donor Donor engagement and coordination 11
12 HUMAN CAPITAL PRIORITY AREA FUNDING STATUS Human Capital Priority Area is % funded Funds Requested for ( ): $98.22 million Funds Available as of 30 September 2011 :$ 37.05million Remaining Balance to be mobilized :$61.17 million