Gobeklitepe, Pre-pottery Neolithic T-shaped limestone pillar from cult building. SE Turkey. ca 9000 BC. Uruk (Warka) 3300–3000 B.C.; Late Uruk period- Excavated from the Eanna Precinct. Boulder stele with “priest-king” hunting lions
Gobeklitepe, Pre-pottery Neolithic Circular cult buildings built of limestone SE Turkey. ca 9000 BC. Catalhoyuk, Central Turkey. Late Neolithic settlement BC with mudbrick houses.
Ain Ghazal, Jordan ca BC. Human-formed statues made of plaster and bundles of reeds Clay figurine from Catalhoyuk (central Turkey), excavated in a grain bin from the Late Neolithic levels (ca BC)
Uruk (Warka) 3300–3000 B.C.; Late Uruk period- Excavated from the Eanna Precinct. Carved alabaster vase Ur (Tell el Mugayyar), Royal Tombs of Ur, Standard of Ur made of shell, lapis lazuli, bitumen, limestone, wood
Late Uruk Period cone mosaics (stone and clay varieties). From Tell al Ubaid and Uruk. ca BC Babylon, Ishtar Gate glazed, molded brick decaroation of the walls. Neo-Babylonian Period, time of Nebuchadnezzar II ( BC)
Stele of Eannatum. ca BC. from Girsu (Telloh), fragments Stele of Naram Sin. Found in Susa, Iran ca BC
Khafajah (ancient Tutub), Temple Oval Reconstruction. Early Dynastic II period BC Ur, Sanctuary of the Moon God Nanna (Sin in Akkadian) at the time of the Third Dynasty of Ur (ca 2050 BC)
Babylonian “map of the world” Early to mid 1 st millennium BC, probably from Borsippa, Southern Iraq Kassite map of the city of Nippur on clay, from Nippur. Late Bronze age (14 th c. BC).
Tell Asmar (ancient Eshnunna), Early Dynastic II-III Abu temple statues, found as a hoard under the altar ca BC Statue of Gudea dedicated to Ningirsu, from Telloh (ancient Girsu) ca 2100 BC
Balawat gate Bronzes from a monumental building in Tell Balawat (ancient Imgur Enlil). The panel that represents the events at the Source of the Tigris Reign of Shalmaneser III ( BC) Yazilikaya, Hattusha, th c. BC Hittite Rock-cut sanctaury with representations of gods.