HIDIRELLEZ Hıdrellez, is one of the seasonal festivals of all Turkish world.
Hidrellez Traditions Hıdrellez Festival is celebrated on May 6 in Turkey. This date is regarded as the first day of spring, when nature starts again.
Hızır is the symbol of spring, and the new life… In Turkey people believed that Hızır has the God-given power of working miracles. He is the symbol of good omens and good fortune.
People prepare beforehand for Hıdrellez celebrations in villages and small towns, although rather less now in the big cities. These preparations concern house-cleaning, clean clothing, and food and drink.
Before Hıdrellez Day, houses are cleaned from top to bottom, because people think that Hızır will not visit houses that are not clean. New cloths and shoes are purchased to wear on Hıdrellez Day.
Various practices are performed on Hıdrellez night in the belief that Hızır will bring blessing and abundance to the places he visits and the things he touches.
On Hıdrellez night purses are left open. Those who want a house, a new car or a baby believe that Hızır will help them obtain such things if they make a small model of what they want. So they draw these small models under the rose plants.
People write their wishes on a piece of paper and make a small model of what they want from Hıdır.
For recovering from illness peple hang the cloth pieces over the rose or tree branches
Those who want a house leave a small model of a house, while those who want a baby leave a small plastic or wool doll near a rose bush, Some people put a coin inside a red cloth and then hang it on a rose branch. In the morning this money is put into the wallet so that it will bring abundance.
Hıdrellez Festival is celebrated with grand ceremonies in Anatolia, HERE ARE SOME VIEWS FROM HIDIRELLEZ CEREMONIES
On Hıdrellez night people jump over the fire
During this ceremony, songs about love, happiness, hope, brotherhood, love for ones country and goodness are sung by the people.
It is also believed that if you go out, have a picnic and be around nature on this day, your winter days won't be as hard. Most city people know this day simply as a picnic day.
It is believed that jumping over fires brings health and happiness
People believe that wishes made on this night will come true. They also believe that sick people will become healthier and it will be the end of bad luck and misfortunes. There are also a lot of rituals that people perform.
Hidrellez has been very significant in Anatolia for centuries. It is said that whatever you wish for that night comes true!