Summer Leadership Make a Difference for FY15 PRESENTED BY: Dr. Jean Lollar Assistant Superintendent July 29, 2014
Curriculum and Instruction Professional Development Map Curriculum Maps AdvancED: Required Actions Vertical Teaming Book Study Options
ARE WE MAKING A DIFFERENCE? Collective Efficacy: FY14 Ways We Have Made a Difference this Past Year Collective Efficacy: FY15 Ways We Can Make a Difference this Year Collective Reflection Share with and partner.
Let’s Make a Difference Professional Development Map From CCRS to the Project-Based Learning In-service Schedule: August 8-16 Reading (Literacy), Mathematics, Technology, Sp. Ed. AdvancED Quality Assurance Review Team (QART) Required Actions
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Assist teachers in gaining a deeper understanding of CCRS and to develop lessons and units of study that reflect CCRS………and lessons that energize classroom and activate/engage minds.
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Support teachers in CCRS implementation by focusing on curriculum, resources, and assessment strategies to ensure success for all students.
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT We must bridge research and practice for high engagement and rich student learning. Currently, there is a high demand for units that emphasize project-based learning, as well as units geared toward secondary students.
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Inspire a shared vision for what is possible as we strive to make a difference with taking technology integration to the next level and fostering an environment and culture conducive to the realization of that vision.
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Blended Personalized Learning for Teachers and Administrators Digital Summit – Summer 2014 Seven Habits App Google Docs CK12 EdmodoNearpodSocrative
OVERVIEW OF LEADERSHIP ACADEMY JULY 29, 2014 Tuesday, July 29 Golden Viking Room Data Analysis Technology Updates ACIP Overview Wednesday, July 30 Principals lead the ACIP process at their respective schools. Thursday, July 31 Principals lead the ACIP process at their respective schools.
NEW TEACHER ORIENTATION AUGUST 4 - 5, 2014 Monday, August 4, 2014 Maddox Middle School Library Tuesday, August 5, 2014 New Teacher Technology Training
OVERVIEW OF INSERVICE AUGUST 6 – 15, 2014 Wednesday, August 6 Day 1: OGAP: Gr. 3-5 Instructional Tech, Work as Schools Thursday, August 7 Day 2: OGAP Vertical Teaming and/or Curriculum Mapping for P.E. Teachers Day1: Inclusion Model - MMS Friday, August 8 Day 2 Inclusion Model - MMS Workday/Inservice as directed by Principals Medical Assistant Training – Special Ed. Monday, August 11 Wonders by McGraw Hill Gr. K-2 Wonders Reading by McGraw Hill Gr. 3-5 Social Studies: Secondary Teachers Holt McDougal
OVERVIEW OF INSERVICE AUGUST 6 – 15, 2014 Tuesday, August 12 Leadership Teams/ACIPs Required Technology- Tuesday Workshops Work at school or activities as Directed by Principals Wednesday, August 13 Elementary Global Scholar Training with Sallie Lawrence Secondary Global Scholar Training with Sallie Lawrence Thursday, August 14 Orientations for Elementary Schools and MMS Workday/Inservice as directed by Principals Special Ed. Meeting at N.H. Friday, August 15 Registration Institute – Dr. Conley Skeen Sm. Gr. with Prin. Sm. Gr. with WHS Sm. Gr. with MMS Sm. Gr. With Elem. Lighthouse Teams CPR/First Aid /AED Renewal
AdvancED ALCIP: Annual Process Standards’ Evidence School Surveys Executive Summaries QART Visit Spring 2019
1. Design and implement a research-based instructional framework to support student learning and inform the instructional process (Lesson Plan Common Format). 2. Develop, implement, and monitor a comprehensive, systematic process to consistently analyze date for the purpose of verifying student learning and evaluating the results for continuous improvement action plans (ACIPS). ADVANC-ED REQUIRED ACTIONS
VERTICAL TEAMING Analyze grade-level trajectories Curriculum Alignment Power Standards Focus Timeline Discussion
MAPPING TO THE CORE Upgrade maps with digital tools Built-in Tech Support Keep the focus on the task not the tech Map and Talk Review Maps with Assessment Data
Book Study Options The Principal: Three Keys to Maximizing Impact: Michael Fullan Principals’ Book Study Unmistakable Impact: Jim Knight Quality Questioning: Jackie Walsh Using Technology with Classroom Instruction that Works: Pitler Big Skills for the Common Core Literacy Strategies for the 6-12 Classroom: Amy Benjamin Suggested Titles