Bryn D’Andrea’s Best and Worst of 2008
Movies TransformersHancock Best Worst
Songs/Artists Viva La Vida by Coldplay Best Lollipop by Lil Wayne Worst
TV Shows Family Guy Best American Idle Worst
Fashion Statements Oakley Sunglasses Best Crocs Worst
$1 Menu item $1 Menu Hamburger Worst Orange Tic Tacs Best
Books Stormbreaker By Anthony Horowitz Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J.K. Rowling Best Worst
New Food I’ve Tried Sushi Ribs B e s t W o r s t
Sports Moments Phillies Win the World SeriesMets choke and lose the division Best Worst
Radio Stations Wired 96.5WPST 94.5 Best Worst
Youtube Clips Fred Sings at youtube live!!! Worst Weatherman freaks out over cockroach Best
Gadgets Apple itouch Samsung Glyde Best Worst
Decisions Philadelphia Phillies Brad Lidge Going into Iraq Worst Best
Political Moment Barack Obama wins the 2008 presidential election President Bush was almost hit by a shoe thrown by an iraq reporter Best Worst
I Promise to do the following in the year 2009!! New Year’s Resolution I promise that in the new year I will have a B+ or above in math. I promise this because I would like to get my averages up and focus more on school. If I could earn a better grade then I will be ready for a better class next year, have a better chance of getting into a good college, and have a better future. In 2009, getting a better grade may be easy or hard, but I am prepared to do it. I hope I can live up to my expectations in 2009.
Something I did in 2008 that I will not do in 2009 When I was playing on a big, tall rock, and I fell off. When I fell off, I gave myself a two inch gash in my head. I needed my head stapled two times,and i had to get my head shaved. Because of this, I have a good story to tell, but I do not want to relive the horrible memory. I hope I do not get to go through it again. I Promise to do the following in the year 2009!!
I Promise to do the following in the year 2009!! 5 things I cannot live without in My nano-video, because it has all my songs and movies. 4. My phone, I need to always text. 3. My PS2 because it is so much fun. 2. My dog, because he is so funny. 1. My computer, because it has everything on it that I like.
If I could be anywhere right now, I would be… At my beach house in LBI. I would like to be there because I can not wait until summer. I really want to go back into the ocean and see my friends. I also can not wait to go surfing again. I hope summer comes fast. I Promise to do the following in the year 2009!!