Scholar360 Lunch ‘n’ Learn
Next Session: July 30 th 1:00 PM EST Topic: TBD
Tests & Other Types of Assessment How to Create Test Questions How to Create Tests How Students Take Tests How to View Test Results How to Review & Grade Tests Other Things to Know About Tests
Tests usually count toward the student’s grades while other assessments may not. Assessments may include peer-review rubrics, surveys, wikis, self-tests, and skill benchmarks. Tests include quizzes, tests, and exams. Questions for tests are stored in the Object Learning Repository (Repository) in Scholar360. Questions for surveys and other assessment tools will not usually be stored in the repository.
1. Log in to Scholar Click on the Repository Tab. 3. Select the Questions icon or tab. 4. Create a folder for the course and a subfolder for the test or chapter. 5. Click on the subfolder to open it on the right. 6. Click on the link: “+ New Question.” 7. Select type of question desired. 8. Enter a short name, if desired, and the full question. 9. Enter feedback, if desired. 10. Enter question answers and select correct answer. 11. Click the “Save and Return to Question Bank” button.
1. Ensure questions have been created and reside in the Repository. 2. Click on the Course Tab. 3. Select the course in which the test must reside. 4. Select the Tests tool from the list of tools on the left. 5. Click on the “+ Create New Test” link. 6. Fill in all pertinent blanks and select desired settings. 7. Click the “Submit” or “Update” button. 8. Click on the Questions Tab.
9. Select folder or folders from Repository that contain the pertinent questions. 10. Individually select questions for test (or check Select All box). 11. Click the “Add Selected Questions to Test” button. 12. Click on the Question Ordering Tab. 13. Change the order in the ordering boxes, if desired. 14. Click the “Reorder” button to save the changed order. 15. Click on the Question Values Tab. 16. Enter each question’s value in the value boxes or enter a total value in the “Set all questions to” box. 17. Click the “Save” button.
1. Students will log in to Scholar Students will click on the Courses Tab. 3. Students will click on the course desired. 4. Students will click on the Tests Tool on the left. 5. Students will see the available test and a button to start the test. 6. Students will answer each question, saving as they go. 7. Students will click on the “Finish Test” button. If they have missed a question, it will notify them. 8. If instructors have elected to make feedback available, it will appear as the student answers questions.
1. Log in to your course. 2. Click on the Tests Tool. 3. Click on the “Stats” link for the test desired. 4. Results will be graphed immediately after students have completed the test. 5. Breakdowns of each question will be displayed.
1. Log in to your course. 2. Click on the Tests Tool. 3. Click on the “Review & Grade” link for the test desired. 4. Information about students who have taken/not taken the test will display. 5. Click on the “Review Test” link for the student desired. 6. The student’s answer and the correct answer will be displayed. 7. The points automatically awarded will appear in the grade box. Instructors can adjust these points. 8. A feedback box will appear for essay questions. Instructors can enter feedback to the student and enter a grade in the grade box. 9. Click the “Submit” button to save changes.
A “Student View” of each test is available inside the Test Tool. Test questions (except essay questions) are graded automatically and entered into the Gradebook. Essay questions must be viewed by instructors, feedback provided, and a grade given. This will automatically adjust the grades in the Gradebook. Tests do not always have to count towards a grade. Self-tests can be utilized and reset so students can take them as often as desired.
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