This template is designed to organize your project work for presentation. This to remember as you complete this presentation: 1.After you have completed a page, erase the instructions. 2.Try to maintain a balance between writing too much or writing too little. Powerpoint presentations should not have a lot of text. You can verbally add information to each slide during your presentation. Additional verbal information can be put on index cards to help you during your presentation. 3.This power point must be completed by February 7, Tuesday. Classroom presentations will take place on February 8, 9, & 10. *This page is just an informational page for your help, you can delete it from your final powerpoint. Political Muscle Project presentation template*
School name and year Course name Group members’ names Unit Title in Red One or two images that represent your project. The look of this page is clean and simple.
Clearly state the problem in 1-2 complete sentences. Also briefly explain how you narrowed down the problem. To do this you should include information about the causes of the problem. Image (photo, graph, Drawing) Unit Title ISSUE & SIGNIFICANCE INTERVIEWSURVEYORGANIZATIONSDECISION MAKERS (ALLIES & OPPONENTS PLAN OF ACTION REFLECTION ISSUE & SIGNIFICANCE Page 1.1
ISSUE & SIGNIFICANCE INTERVIEWSURVEYORGANIZATIONSDECISION MAKERS (ALLIES & OPPONENTS) PLAN OF ACTION REFLECTION Demonstrate that the problem is significant. l Do this by giving your reasoning & evidence for why this problem should be viewed as a significant problem. (You should describe the negative effects of the problem. You should also use findings from your survey.) ISSUE & SIGNIFICANCE Page 1.2 Image ( photo, drawing, graph) Unit Title
ISSUE & SIGNIFICANCE INTERVIEWSURVEYORGANIZATIONSDECISION MAKERS (ALLIES & OPPONENTS) PLAN OF ACTION REFLECTION Page 2 INTERVIEW List highlights from your interview here. To do this, list in bullet point form the most important parts of the interview. video clip Unit Title
Page 3 ISSUE & SIGNIFICANCE INTERVIEWSURVEYORGANIZATIONSDECISION MAKERS (ALLIES & OPPONENTS) PLAN OF ACTION REFLECTION SURVEY State your survey’s purpose. (What information did you design it to find?) Briefly describe how you conducted the survey. (Who did you survey? How did you survey them?) State at least three survey findings from the survey. (What did you learn as a result of your survey?) Image (photo, drawing, graph) Unit Title
Page 4 ISSUE & SIGNIFICANCE INTERVIEWSURVEYORGANIZATIONS DECISION MAKERS (ALLIES & OPPONENTS) PLAN OF ACTION REFLECTION ORGANIZATIONS On this slide you list at least three organizations or persons that are already working on the problem. Local organizations are preferable. Give full name of organizations or persons. Explain what each organization or person is doing to address the problem. Image Unit Title
Page 5 ISSUE & SIGNIFICANCE INTERVIEWSURVEYORGANIZATIONSDECISION MAKERS (ALLIES & OPPONENTS) PLAN OF ACTION REFLECTION Write primary decision maker’s full name. Give your reasons for targeting this person. Explain how this person can support your cause. Be specific. What is your strategy for persuading or pressuring this person to support your cause? DECISION MAKERS (ALLIES & OPPONENTS) List possible allies. List possible opponents. IMAGE Unit Title
Page 6.1 ISSUE & SIGNIFICANCE INTERVIEWSURVEYORGANIZATIONSDECISION MAKING (ALLIES & OPPONENTS) PLAN OF ACTION REFLECTION PLAN OF ACTION State your goal. YOUR GOAL MUST BE SPECIFIC. Give reasons for your chosen goal. For example, how does it solve your stated problem? Explain. Unit Title Image (photo, drawing, or video clip)
Button 6.2 ISSUE & SIGNIFICANCE INTERVIEWSURVEYORGANIZATIONSDECISION MAKERS (ALLIES & OPPONENTS PLAN OF ACTION REFLECTION PLAN OF ACTION What policy (or rules, or laws, or way of doing things) is presently in effect? What policy change do you want to make? Explain. Explain how you plan of action will change change present policy (rules, laws, or ways of doing things). Explain your strategy for achieving your goal? Unit Title Image (photo, drawing, or video clip)
Page 6.3 ISSUE & SIGNIFICANCE INTERVIEWSURVEYORGANIZATIONSDECISION MAKERS (ALLIES & OPPONENTS PLAN OF ACITON REFLECTION PLAN OF ACTION Action Steps Break your plan of action down into at least five specific steps. Explain what exactly will be done during each step of your plan of action. Each steps should have its own small goal. Explain how you will successfully complete each step. Lastly, state approximately how long you expect each step to take. Unit Title Image (photo, drawing, or video clip)
Page 7 ISSUE & SIGNIFICANCE INTERVIEWSURVEYORGANIZATIONSDECISION MAKERS (ALLIES & OPPONENTS) PLAN OF ACTION REFLECTION Reflection On this page, you will share what some the more important things you learned during this project. Also share some of the major challenges you met. Lastly, state whether you will attempt to implement your plan of action. Whether you will or will not, give your reasons. REFLECTION Unit Title Image (photo, drawing, or video clip)
Page 7.1 ISSUE & SIGNIFICANCE INTERVIEWSURVEYORGANIZATIONSDECISION MAKERS (ALLIES & OPPONENTS) PLAN OF ACTION REFLECTION If you want, you can continue your reflection on this page. If you don’t need this extra slide, then delete it. REFLECTION Unit Title Image (photo, drawing, or video clip)